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class Avenger



Avenger () : Avenger("Newb") { }

Avenger (const char * name) { }

~Avenger () { }

Avenger (const Avenger&) { }

Avenger (Avenger &&) { }


Avenger getCat () { return std:move(Avenger{"Panther"}); }

void avengers_assemble ()


Avenger cap{"Captain America"};

Avenger irony = {"Iron-Man"};

Avenger strongest = Avenger{"Hulk"};

Avenger skrull{cap};

Avenger cat{getCat()};

//Avenger newb(); // function declaration!!!

Avenger newb{}; // variable declaration!!!

std::vector<Avenger> team = {cap, irony, strongest, cat, newb, "Thor"};

// instead of vector::push_back!


class SomeDerivedThing : public SomeComplicatedThing



using SomeComplicatedThing::SomeComplicatedThing;

void anotherMethodHere () { }


void ctorInheritance ()


SomeDerivedThing sdt;

SomeDerivedThing multiplied_sdt(true);


class SomeComplicatedThing



SomeComplicatedThing ()

: SomeComplicatedThing(false)

{ }

SomeComplicatedThing (bool make_square)

{ if (make_square) m_two = m_one * m_one; }


int m_one = 1;

double m_two = 2.0;

std::string m_three = "Three";


void ranger ()


int some_ints[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

for (auto & the_int : some_ints)


std::cout << ++the_int;


std::vector<char> cont_char = {'a', 'z'};

for (auto the_char : cont_char)


std::cout << the_char;



template <typename TyContainer, typename TyPred>

void print_if (const TyContainer & container,

TyPred && predicate)


for (const auto & thing : container)


if (predicate(thing))


std::cout << thing << std::endl;




void printapalooza ()


int some_ints[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

print_if(some_ints, [] (const int & i)


return i%2;





inline namespaces


perfect forwarding

generalized attribute syntax

unrestricted unions

  • Allows templates to take any number of parameters

  • Incredibly powerful

  • Can also be incredibly confusing, use with care...

Variadic Templates


local classes as template arguments

default methods

initializer list constructors

deleted methods

extern templates

template aliases

unified aliasing

partial template aliases


  • Unnamed function objects

  • Increases code "locality"

  • Can be passed around, stored, and use later, even in a different thread

Range-based for loop

User-defined Literals

  • Concise and safe syntax

  • Index counters no longer needed (in most cases)

  • Works with built-in arrays and standard containers

  • Extensible

Uniform Initialization

  • Decreases chance of unit mismatch errors

  • Leads to more expressive code
  • Let there be "one way" to initialize an object!

  • A solution to C++'s "Most Vexing Parse" problem.

  • Like array-initialization

Type Deduction

  • New keywords
  • 'auto'
  • 'decltype'

  • The compiler knows the type
  • Refactor-proof
  • New function declaration syntax

Garbage Collection ABI

  • GC is possible in C++, but not required

  • Defines some standards for GC implementations

  • A couple of protection methods are available

Constructor Inheritance

  • Greatly reduces typing for simple derivations of complicated classes

  • "All-or-nothing"

  • Derived class can add new constructors
  • Initialize fields in class declaration

  • Reduces size/complexity of constructors

  • Reduces the chance of uninitialized fields

Member Field Initialization

class SomeComplicatedThing



SomeComplicatedThing ()

{ init(false); }

SomeComplicatedThing (bool make_square)

{ init(make_square); }


int m_one = 1;

double m_two = 2.0;

std::string m_three = "Three";

void init (bool make_square)

{ if (make_square) m_two = m_one * m_one; }


Constructor Delegation

  • Allows one constructor to call another constructor for the same class

  • Reduces typing

  • Mostly removes usefulness of private "init" functions

template <typename T>

double sum (T && t) { return t; }

template <typename T, typename ... Args>

double sum (T && t, Args && ... args)

{ return t + sum(args...); }

template <typename T, typename ... Args>

double average (T && t, Args && ... args)

{ return sum(t, args...) / (sizeof...(args) + 1); }

void varying ()


cout << average(1, 2.3, 4.56, 0.789) << endl;

vector<double> v = {1, 2.3, 4.56, 0.789};

cout << average(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]) << endl;


struct Distance


constexpr Distance (long long millimeters)

: millis(millimeters)

{ }

long long millis = 0;


// ignoring overflow issues...

constexpr Distance operator"" _m (unsigned long long meters)

{ return Distance(meters*1000); }

constexpr Distance operator"" _km (unsigned long long kilometers)

{ return Distance(kilometers*1000*1000); }

constexpr Distance operator"" _cm (unsigned long long centimeters)

{ return Distance(centimeters*10); }

void literal_distances ()


Distance a = 10_m;

Distance b = 1_km;

Distance c = 1_cm;

Distance z {1};


class SomeComplicatedThing



SomeComplicatedThing ()

: m_one(1), m_two(2.0), m_three("Three")

{ init(false); }

SomeComplicatedThing (bool make_square)

: m_one(1), m_two(2.0), m_three("Three")

{ init(make_square); }


int m_one;

double m_two;

std::string m_three;

void init (bool make_square)

{ if (make_square) m_two = m_one * m_one; }




stricter narrowing

scoped enumerations

explicit conversions


  • Enforces some state at compile-time

  • Essentially lets you define new compilation errors!

  • Can validate assumptions about external code

Static Assertions



  • Finally!

  • nullptr is not NULL (defined as '0' or as '(void*)0' )

  • Prevents unexpected overload resolution issues

override & final

  • Provides safety for virtual functions

  • Clearly indicates the author's intent

  • Prevents unexpected function override problems

Kansas City Developer Conference

May 2-4, 2013


Michael Price

Senior Software Engineer

Perceptive Software


Modern C++

template <typename T>

void some_integral_stuff (T && t)



"Template param is not an integral type");


struct StuffThis


char one;

char two;

char three;

char four;

char five; // Added in most recent build!


void my_stuff ()



some_integral_stuff(1.0); // ERROR!!!

StuffThis st;

char buffer[4];

static_assert(sizeof(StuffThis) <= sizeof(buffer),

"Uh oh, our buffer is not big enough... what changed!");

std::memcpy(buffer, &st, sizeof(st)); // Would overflow buffer!


template <typename T, typename U>

auto some_calculation (T t, U u) -> decltype(t+u)


return t + u;


void deduce_types ()


// 'i' is an int

auto i = 1;

// 'j' is an int

decltype(i) j = i + 1;

// 'x' is whatever 'int+int' is (an int)

auto x = some_calculation(41, 1);

// 'y' is whatever 'string+string' is (a string)

auto y = some_calculation(std::string("Hello"),




dynamicly-sized stack arrays

relaxed requirements for constexpr functions

concepts 'lite'

variable templates

generic lambdas

function return type deduction

binary literals

better variable capture in lambdas

Language Features

Constant Expressions

  • Expressions that (may) result in a compile-time constant

  • Formerly only available to declarations

  • Less computation at run-time

  • Denoted by 'constexpr'

r-value References

  • Reference to unnamed object

  • Or a "temporary" object

  • Denoted by '&&'

  • Examples are helpful


  • Utilizes r-value references

  • Objects "trade" state

  • Prevents unnecessary copies

  • Construction and assignment

  • And more!

Move Construction

thread local storage

expanded plain-old-data (POD) definition

Concurrency-safe memory model




bool ambig (int i) { }

bool ambig (char * v) { }

void nothingness ()


int * _i = NULL;

int * i = nullptr;

int _j = NULL;

int j = nullptr; // ERROR!!!

if (ambig(0)) { } // ambig(int)

if (ambig(NULL)) { } // ambig(int) when NULL=0

// ambiguous when NULL=0L

if (ambig(nullptr)) { } // ambig(char*)


constexpr double circle_area (double radius)

{ return 3.14 * radius * radius; }

struct CircleArea


constexpr CircleArea (double radius)

: m_area(circle_area(radius)) { }

double m_area;


void area_computations ()


// Calculated at compile-time!

constexpr double a1 = circle_area(2.0);

constexpr CircleArea ca(2.5); // Compile-time ctor!

// Calculated at run-time

double r2 = 3.0;

double a2 = circle_area(r2);


class Base



virtual void l33t (double d) { }


class DerivedDumb : public Base



virtual void l33t (double d) { }


class DerivedSmart : public Base



virtual void l33t (double d) override { }


MoveableBuffer rval_helper ()


return std::move(MoveableBuffer{});


void rval_func ()


// Default Construction

MoveableBuffer some_object;

// Copy Construction (always)

MoveableBuffer another_object{some_object};

// Move Construction (if available, else Copy)

MoveableBuffer yet_another_object{rval_helper()};

// Reference Capturing

MoveableBuffer & normal_ref_1 = some_object;

//MoveableBuffer && rval_ref_1 = some_object; // Error!

const MoveableBuffer & normal_ref_2 = rval_helper();

MoveableBuffer && rval_ref_2 = rval_helper();


  • Character types designated for popular Unicode encodings

  • char = UTF-8 (1 byte)
  • char16_t = UTF-16 (2 bytes)
  • char32_t = UTF-32 (4 bytes)
  • wchar_t = ambiguous

Unicode Strings

  • Allows you to avoid lots of special character escaping in your strings

  • Useful for regexes, filepaths, and large static strings (XML)

Raw string literals


class Base



virtual void l33tR (double d) { }


class DerivedDumb : public Base



virtual void l33t (double d) { }


class DerivedSmart : public Base



// This is now a compilation error!!!

virtual void l33t (double d) override { }


class MoveableBuffer



MoveableBuffer () { buf = new char[256]; }

~MoveableBuffer () { delete[] buf; }

MoveableBuffer (const MoveableBuffer & other)


buf = new char[256];

std::copy(buf, buf + 256, other.buf);


MoveableBuffer (MoveableBuffer && other)


buf = other.buf;

other.buf = nullptr;



char * buf;


clearer SFINAE rules

removal of export templates

template right-angle bracket fix

C99 features


void unicodify ()


const char * iso88591 = "Hello World!";

const wchar_t * platform_encoding = L"hallå världen";

// Hallo Welt

const char * utf8 = u8"\x48\x61\x6C\x6C\x6F"


// Hello World -> Shalom Olam (but in Hebrew script)

const char16_t * utf16 = u"\u05E9\u05DC\u05D5\u05DD"


// Hello World + some SMP chars (Simplified Chinese)

const char32_t * utf32 = U"\u4F60\u597D\u4E16\u754C"




struct IMaiar


virtual bool shallYouPass () = 0;


struct GandalfGrey : public IMaiar


virtual bool shallYouPass () { return false; }


struct GandalfWhite final : public GandalfGrey


virtual bool shallYouPass () { return true; }


struct GandalfWashedOut : public GandalfWhite


virtual bool shallYouPass ()

{ throw "Why bother"; return false; }


void raw ()


const char * xhtml = R"(


"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="">





const char * uh_oh = R"*(

What if there is a )" in my text



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