Setting the stage for a engaged online classroom
- Isolation is a key stress factor for online students (Hara & Kling, 2001)
- Constructivist pedagogy -- learner is an active processor of information Rovai, 2004).
- Fostering reflective practices will create a collaborative, active, elearning environment.
Paulo Freire
Engaged Pedagogy
bell hooks
Preparing Students for Online Learning: Student Orientation
- Create Expectations of Students
- Being a Successful Online Learner
- Learning Styles
- Online Communication
- Model teaching practices and philosophy in design.
"A more recent version of distance learning which improves access to educational opportunities for learners described as both nontraditional and disenfranchised" Benson (2002).
Innovative Strategies
Online Learning Defined
For Online Student Success
International Forum for Women
in E-Learning
November 29, 2012
Dr. Karen Anderson Lain &
Dr. Melissa Kaulbach
Academic Partnerships
How do we determine student success in online learning?
Use of eLearning applied to experiential learning model increased pedagogical efficacy, resolved problems with scalability and limited instructional resources (Behara & Huang, 2007).
Students perceive online discussion as more equitable and democratic than face-to-face discussion (Swan, 2001).
Online communication encourages sharing of ideas, experimentation, increased participation, and collaborate thinking between classmates (Moore and Taylor, 1996).
Fostering Student Interaction
Pedagogical Model focused on Learning Outcomes
- Discussion Board
- Virtual Work Teams
- Class Blog
Fostering Student Interaction
Rourke, Anderson, Garrison & Archer (2001)
Interactivity and Online Learning
- Each objective begins with an active verb indicating the level/domain of learning.
- Each objective should focus on a single outcome.
Learning Objectives
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable by student and acceptable to instructor
- Relevant to topic and realistic
- Time-bound
S. M. A. R. T.