How I Got Interested in Ultrasound at an Institution with No Ultrasound Curriculum
An idea for a skills workshop
What I Do with Ultrasound
Teach Ultrasound!
Share Ultrasound
with Others
President of USIG
Who Am I?
(direct quote from my last evaluation)
A medical student who loves ultrasound!
- Medical student generated extracurricular ultrasound education
- Uses medical student interest in ultrasound to drive curriculum change
More Ultrasound Education
What an Ultrasound Student Organization Can Provide
(to get students excited about ultrasound)
Hands-On Skills Workshops
Student Mentors
Ultrasound Lectures
Provide Ultrasound Curriculum
- Ultrasound Shadowing
- Workshops for non-US student organizations
- Ultrasound Grand Rounds
- Establish an elective
(using existing FOAmed resources)
An Introduction to Ultrasound
Completely Outside of the Curriculum
What Is Student Driven Ultrasound Education?
Medical Student Approach to
What Does Student-Driven Ultrasound Education Look Like?
It Looks Like This!
Plant the Seed and Watch We Can Accomplish!
Ultrasound Integration
Student-driven and generated ultrasound education
Share the USIG model
with your students
Twitter: @SonoMojo
Recruit Your Motivated Students to Found a USIG
(Ultrasound Student Interest Group)
Share USIG starter
toolbox (SonoMojo)
Jennifer Cotton
University of Kentucky
Establish an ultrasound elective
Teach Us!
What You Can Do
How Does an Ultrasound Student Organization Work?
Start teaching your
student mentors & ultrasound leaders
Students Organize Their Own Ultrasound Education
Problems Solved
Students Run Their Own Ultrasound Education Club
Basic Components of an Ultrasound Student Group
(important for curriculum integration)
(minimal faculty
commitment required)
- Monthly hands-on ultrasound workshops
- Ultrasound lectures series
- Access to ultrasounds for independent scanning practice
- A self-study FOAMed based curriculum
- Website to keep members connected
- Not enough ultrasound faculty to organize education for 100s of med students
- Administration doesn't want to invest time/money/etc. into ultrasound education
- Curriculum change takes time
- And so much more!
- Establishes student ultrasound leaders
- Students organize their own learning events
- Students learn what interests them
- Student can access all the resources available to student groups
- Doesn't require curriculum change for education to occur
Year 2
Ultrasound Student Group Formed
Faculty Interest
in Ultrasound
Uses Student Ultrasound Mentors to Teach Ultrasound
Ultrasound Competent
Medical Students
Improved Patient Care!
Change in
Ultrasound Culture
- Student generated ultrasound education
- >85 dedicated students who regularly learn ultrasound outside of curriculum
- Educated 100s of students in monthly workshops
- Introduced entire class of 1st year medical students to ultrasound
- Generated ultrasound ambassadors: stimulated faculty interest and affecting patient care
Access Resources from Across Multiple Departments
The Kentucky
Increased Pressure for Full
Ultrasound Integration
How This Influences Ultrasound Integration
What Student Mentors Do
Student ultrasound teachers that thoroughly learning ultrasound scans to teach to their peers
- Learn specific ultrasound scans in advance of teaching events
- Teach hands-on small groups in student ultrasound workshops
- Assisting students in ultrasound practice labs
- Meet one-on-one with students to help them with particular scans
Problems Solved
Ultrasound Machine Access
Accessing Faculty from Across Departments
Problems Solved
Year 1
- No dedicated ultrasound machines for teaching
- Lack of known faculty capable of teaching ultrasound
- Brings together ultrasound resources from across institution
- Request to use departments' ultrasound machines for teaching purposes
- Students work across entire hospital, so they're able to discover where ultrasound machines are
- Student have more interaction with faculty from many departments
- Can more readily identify ultrasound competent faculty members
- Can request faculty to teach their student group
- Not enough ultrasound faculty to teach 100s of students!
Ultrasound Grand Rounds
Student Organized Ultrasound Workshop
- In 1st year classroom
- Immediately after class
- With free food
Student Generated Pressure
for Ultrasound Integration
- Student group sponsored
- 1/3 of pre-clinical students attended
- Invited deans and faculty to witness
- Collected data: 100% wanted ultrasound in curriculum
First years hearing ultrasound education talk & wanting more ultrasound in curriculum
Ultrasound Faculty Support
Utilizes Existing Ultrasound Resources
Ultrasound in Physical Exam Curriculum
Use FOAMed!
Don't re-invent the wheel to make a curriculum!
Problems Solved:
- Curriculum development takes time... no need to wait!
- Lack of ultrasound faculty to make curriculum... not a problem with FOAMed!
Have Large Numbers
Can create more pressure on medical school administration than a few dedicated faculty
Independent Study
Ultrasound Elective
- Student written curriculum for independent study elective formed by single student for Fall semester
- Significant student interest, so others joined by Spring semester
Direct Faculty Contact
Daily contact with faculty and medical school administrators
Hold positions on curriculum committees
Teaching the Teacher
- Show faculty that ultrasound isn't that hard to learn
- Demonstrate that bedside ultrasound can improve patient care
- Teach them actual ultrasound skills
- If nothing else, embarrass them into learning
Students Can Change the Culture of Ultrasound at Your Institution
(so medical students don't show up faculty)
Official Ultrasound Elective
Students Are in a Unique Position to Cause Change
It's Their Education
Direct from my last evaluation
Students should have a say in their education
They are more motivated than anyone else to get the best education
Students as Ultrasound Ambassadors
- Frequent contact with faculty and resident physicians from all departments
- Have numbers to reach significant numbers of physicians in your institution
- Students can demonstrate bedside ultrasound's applications and use it to improve patient care
They Can Collect Data
Attend all student events and can easily collect data to...
Provide objective data on student interest in ultrasound education to support ultrasound integration
Smart and Motivated Group
It's crazy not to use such a large group of smart, motivated individuals as a resource!