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Detecting Wetland Change through Supervised Classification of Landsat Satellite Imagery within the Tunkwa Watershed of British Columbia, Canada



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Comparison of moderate resolution satellite imagery has shown to be an appropriate and feasible method for measuring wetland health over time. Considering the value of wetlands, generating a comprehensive wetland database for Canada should be pursued. Further measurements of wetlands in the Tunkwa watershed using either fine or moderate resolution imagery is encouraged.

Value of Remote Sensing

Land Use Change

Correlation vs. Causation

Remote sensing is a valuable tool for monitoring wetlands. Depending on the aims of the study, higher resolution imagery may be very useful for studies at a more localized scale. LiDAR data has also been proven useful for wetland studies.

  • Timber harvests in BC have been associated with trends in rising CO2 levels
  • Wetlands are a contributor to carbon sequestration
  • Both of these trends negatively contribute to greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere
  • Deforestation and expansion of Highland Valley mine can be correlated with wetland loss, but they may not be the cause
  • On-site environmental monitoring is necessary

Land Use Change

Correlation vs. Causation


  • Inclusion of an image from 1976
  • Low (60 m) resolution
  • Classification would likely be too inaccurate
  • However, aesthetically, the image is useful
  • Retrieval of imagery
  • Cloud presence problematic
  • Must be same month/season
  • 2009 and 2010 lacked good images from the USGS Landsat database
  • High resolution data is expensive


  • SLC-off gap-filled images still of lesser quality than SLC-on
  • Minimal misclassification is likely
  • Post-classification processing employed to reduce pixel noise

Before processing

After filtering and smoothing

Use of Landsat Data


  • Appropriate for this study
  • Easy to obtain, free of charge
  • Used by Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Land cover map from GeoBase was crucial for determining land cover classes during training stage

Comparison of remotely sensed images proved to be a good, cost-effective, and efficient approach to monitoring wetlands. The use of Landsat data is appropriate and feasible for this purpose. However, limitations with these methods and data are apparent.

Image Classification

  • Maximum likelihood supervised classification for each image (1990, 1995, 2001, 2005, 2008)



Image Classification

Training Stage

  • Supervised classification requires manual input
  • Polygons digitized within the visible boundaries of each feature class
  • Polygon placement based on spectral reflectance of pixels under different wavelength combinations
  • Training sites attributed to feature types from pre-classified land use layer from 2000


  • Use of the higher resolution panchromatic band to 'sharpen' each image
  • Reduces 2001, 2005, and 2008 cell resolutions from 30m to 15m

2008 image - before & after

Repair Process

  • The PANCROMA software uses the blue, green, red, near infrared, and panchromatic multispectral bands from a non-gapped (2001) image
  • Cell reflectance values are estimated based on the non-gapped image and interpolation of adjacent cells on the gapped image


Data Preparation [PANCROMA]

  • Permanent failure of scan-line corrector (SLC) on Landsat 7 satellite in 2003
  • Clipping imagery to appropriate sizes
  • Gap-filling the gapped images
  • Pan-sharpening

Source: PANCROMA user’s manual (Childs, 2011)

Materials and Data

General Scope and Aim of Study

  • Identify wetlands in Tunkwa watershed and detect change over time
  • Assess feasibility and practicality of using remote sensing and ''gapped" images for this study
  • Determine if Landsat imagery is adequate
  • Identify limitations of study and suggest potential improvements
  • ArcMap 10
  • USGS Landsat database
  • Land cover map from GeoBase (2000)

Remote Sensing

  • Data collection without direct contact with site
  • Allows user to monitor change over time and potentially predict future changes
  • Landsat satellite missions

Wetland inventory progress in Canada (Ducks Unlimited Canada, 2011)



Why are wetlands important?

  • Biodiversity
  • Regulation of watershed hydrology
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion

Diminishing trends identified in Canada

  • Anthropogenic interaction
  • Climate change

Steven Lee

Högskolan i Gävle - 2011

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