The Cell Restaurant Analogy Project
- Job of hosts = move people around the restaurant to where they are supposed to be seated
- Hosts are analogous to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) within the cell
- Job of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) = transports protein from the ribosomes to where they belong, the golgi complex
By: Jasmine Ngo
Period 5
December 6, 2012
Manager's Office
- Job of manager's office = is where activities are controlled and where orders and commands are given
- Manager's office is analogous to the nucleus of a cell
- Job of nucleus = controls eating, movement, and reproduction; it acts like the brain of the cell
- Job of waiter = takes customers' orders and brings them into the kitchen so the food can be made
- Waiter is analogous to the golgi complex of a cell
- Job of golgi complex = it sorts the proteins and then determines where they go, after receiving it from the endoplasimc reticulum (ER)
- Job of chefs = makes the food according to the customers' orders
- Chefs are analogous to the ribosomes in the cell
- Job of ribosomes = produces protein from RNA, which is a set of instructions on how to make protein for the cell
Restaurant Building
- Job of restaurant building = keeps and holds the structure of the restaurant
- Restaurant building is analogous to the cytoskeloton of a cell
- Job of cytoskeleton = helps keep the cells' shape; and it helps some cells, like bacteria, to move
Electricity Generator
- Job of food = main product at the restaurant, is what makes customers satisfied
- Food is analogous to the protein in a cell
- Job of protein = helps keep the cell alive and healthy
~ Thank You for eating at
The Cell Restaurant ~
Have a nice day!
- Job of elctricity generator = fuels the ovens, stoves, and refrigerated areas; including the lighting source
- Electric generator is analogous to the mitochondria within the cell
- Job of mitochondria = produces ATP (energy) for the cell
Kitchen Manager
Front Greeters
Compost Bin
- Job of kitchen manager = hires chefs and employees and is also in charge of the kitchen staff, dealing with what goes on in the kitchen
- Kitchen manager is analogous to the nucleolus of a cell
- Job of nucleolus = produces lysosomes and makes RNA for the cell
- Job of front greeters = checks in guests and make sure if they have any reservations
- Front greeters is analogous to the cell membrane in the cell
- Job of cell membrane = surrounds the cell and controls the substances that go in and out of the cell
- Job of compost bin = dissolves food wastes in the restaurant
- Compost bin is analogous to the lysosomes within the cell
- Job of lysosomes = eats bacteria, and dissolve organelles for nutrients