Developing a Lower School
Digital Citizenship
Lauren Seaberg
Pre-K Grade 5 School Counsellor
Sue Wakefield
Mobile Technology Coordinator
We need to find ways to support them.
I believe that we will continue in this direction as the age of children with cell phones, iPads, computers, google glass, etc. get younger and younger.
Since, our students have charged ahead into a digital world full of creative opportunities, ethical dilemmas, and cyber-risks that were unimaginable just a few years ago.
Creating a
Digital Citizenship Programme
National Educational Technology Standards
(NETS-S) and Performance Indicators
The discipline of using appropriate and ethical behaviours and acknowledging moral duties and obilgations pertaining to online environments and digital media.
Students practice safe strategies to protect themselves online and promote positive physical and psychological well-being when using technology.
“You” online is not a different “You”
It’s the same person just in different environment.
K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
K - Going Places Safely
2 - Follow the Digital Trail
4 - Staying Safe Online
Get all the tools you need with their FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Parent Media Education Program. My favorite resource for digital citizenship!!
CEOP’s Thinkuknow resources.
The Cybersmart Schools Gateway houses a wide range of cybersafety information and teaching resources for primary and secondary schools. These accessible and engaging materials are designed to help schools develop and implement a holistic approach to cybersafety.
Resilient digital citizens recognize and seek out the 3Cs—appropriate contact, content, and conduct—in all digital settings.
“Technology has a tremendous impact on our culture. Like learning how to read and write learning digital citizenship prepares students to fully participate in a digital world that is here to stay. Let’s prepare our students with the best internet filter in the world… the one right between their ears.” Cyber Wise
Any questions?
Ideas you would like to share?
Thank You!
Lauren + Sue
24/7 digital citizens
offline world
Flexible and adaptable.
Changes from last year to this year.
online world
Parent Information Meetings
Give advice
Constantly changing and adapting
School Procedure
School Counsellors worked together to develop a scope and sequence
Digital Citizenship
Cyber Safety
Take time to plan, share and collaborate
27% of children age 3 have used technology alone, without a parents guidance.
40% of children ages 6-14 want to
learn how to use technology safely.
70% of children ages 4 - 6 have used a computer or some type of technology.
Approximately 30% of children between 8-11 years old have a social networking site, even though on most sites the legal age is 13!
ECIS Tech Conference
Friday, 15 March
Session 1, 11:00-12:00
ACS Hillingdon International School
Who is in the audience?