Vilfredo Pareto
Sociology is Study of Non-logical Actions
economics is the study of repeated logical actions
Father exiled Italian engineer, French mother
two observable aspects of non-logical actions
- actions themselves
- reasonings used to explain/justify actions
Economist, political theorist and „a non-marxist sociologist“
Education in both France and Italy; a degree in engineering at the Istituto Politecnico of Turin (one of the best in his class)
Anastasia Margaritopulu
Kristýna Jamnická
Relationship of actions (A) and
derivations (D) with residues (O)
A civil engineer: state-owned Italian railway company and later in private industry
Relationship of actions (A) and derivations (D) with residues (O)
1889: marriage with Dina Bakunin (12 years of marriage)
Jane Régis: second wife (till the end)
Interest in the political life of his country: lectures, journals, articles, politician
1893: Professor of Political Economy at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
Known as „The Karl Marx of the Bourgeoisie
Economy: Manual of Political Economy, Les Systèmes socialistes
Sociology: Treatise on General Sociology, The Rise and Fall of the Elites, The Transformation of Democracy
† August 19, 1923, Switzerland
Man of two faces
What are residues?
Difficulties in working under any kind of supervision
Irritated and offended people around him
Stubborn in his views and disdainful of those with divergent opinions, harsh and sarcastic
BUT ALSO offered money, shelter, and counsel to political exiles
always ready to take up his pen in defense of the poor or to denounce corruption in government
1. instinct of combinations
2. persistence of aggregates
3. need to manifest sentiments by external acts
4. residues related to sociability
5. integrity of individual & dependents
6. sexual residuals
What are derivations?
affirmation, authority, agreement with sentiments or principles, verbal proof
Vilfredo Pareto
Social structure
What is the elite?
When low-quality elements accumulate in elite ..
nominal elite accumulates elements who do not have qualities
required to maintain themselves in power
Influenced by: Niccolò Machiavelli, Maffeo Pantaleoni,
Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer
revolution takes place
Jiří Buriánek, Sociologie pro střední školy, vydavatelství Fortuna, 2008
score individuals in each branch of human activity
on a scale from 0 to 10
rating success of lawyers, poets, women in seducing powerful men, etc.
typically led by disaffected members of old elite
Thank you for your attention - Vilfredo Pareto
Economics: Italians as Barone, Pietri-Tonelli, Pantaleoni,
Amoroso, Demaria, and Fossati Hicks, Hotelling, Lange,
Lerner, Samuelson, Koopmans, Dorfman, Arrow
once revolution succeeds
-victorious revolutionary leaders become the new elite
- start oppressing non-elite in their turn
regular shape of distribution of income in societies
- developing mathematical formula for this distribution
- individuals move up & down within this structure; social mobility corresponds to selection process
- elites too circulate, aristocracies do not last
-elite replacement occurs slowly or through violent revolution
This cycle will not end; revolution are always led by new elites
top scorers are the elite