Seu novo assistente de apresentação.
Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.
Buscar populares
*Apply to social, economic, and political
Social Contract (first) - people give power up to monarch in return for protection and order
Best government- limited power
If government fails, people can overthrow it
The Social Contract (2nd) - Only people,not the sovereign king have the sole right to rule.
Locke’s ideas influenced American Revolution
Wanted strong government to control the people (similar to Monarchy)
"Two Treatises on Government"
People were naturally cruel, greedy,and selfish
Theory: If left on their own,fighting and oppression would follow
Use reason to understand truth
Natural Rights - Born with right to life, liberty, and property
"Age of Reason"
Optimism and possibility (can solve human problems)
Governments job to protect these rights
Equality for all
People naturally good, but society corrupted
See how that differs from Hobbes?
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Government should have three branches
Greater human reason
Universe as well ordered
Galileo telescope
Newton gravity
Boyle Chemistry
Kepler ellipse
Development of Scientific Method
Rules discoverable by reason
Exploration and trade
Fought for Freedom of Speech
Offended French govt. and Catholic Church
Francois-Marie Arouet
*Free trade and opposed tariffs
LAISSEZ FAIRE (hands off approach)
Private individuals control economic activity, govt. does not
28 volume set of books
New Economic thinkers rejected Mercantilism
Nations strength depended on its wealth
Spread Enlightenment ideas across Europe and North America