iPad Movie-Making
with Jessica Pack
Because multitasking is fun...
Other Movie-Making Apps
Follow me @Packwoman208
- Authentic audiences
- Front-load technology skills
- Structure time and student roles
- Always have a Plan B in mind
- Start small, then grow
- No storyboard? No script? No iPad.
- Set clear expectations
- Facilitate
KWL Using
iPad Project
- Compare and contrast
- Chronicle an experiment
- Solve real world math problems
- Make an argument with evidence
- Profile a historical figure
- Public Service Announcements
- Short Films or Film Challenges
Please go to www.packwoman.com or scan the QR code to download the unit plan.
The Highly-Structured
First Movie
First and Third Person Narration
- Simple
- Highly-Structured
- You remain in control
- You control the outcome
- You assess readiness
- Stays in your classroom
Example Activity
Instructional Sequence
When you do this with your kids, adapt and change this activity to fit your content area!
- Teach content peppered with tech mini-lessons
- Create a simple, highly structured movie as a whole class to teach iMovie skills
- Continue to teach content
- Write/Storyboard a small group project
- Film and Edit a small group project
- Publish and Share with an authentic audience
How do Movies Assess Mastery?
Teach Content: Propaganda (6th)
Strategies: Snob Appeal, Stereotyping
Explore: Other Academic Videos
- Performance assessment
- Formative or summative
- Digital literacy
- Process writing
- Language skills
- Critical thinking
- Higher Bloom's
- Bandwagon
- Name-Calling
- Testimonial
- Stereotypes
- Snob Appeal
Movie-Making with iPads
Now, it's your turn!
"Big Giant Crayons"
"Puppet Pals"
Adapt & Change
Work in teams of 3-4 people. I will give you a product and you will plan, film, edit, and publish a commercial using propaganda.
- Make a commercial about irrigation in Social Studies
- Make a "good deal" and a "bad deal" commercial in math, then have students explain why each is good or bad.
- Make a science public service announcement about energy
Mini Lessons
iPad Movie Trailers
Lesson Plan
Exporting & Sharing Student Work
- iPad 101
- Film Angles
- Storyboarding
- Script Writing
Why Make Movies?
- Built-in storyboard structure
- Animation and graphics
- Preset music
- Time efficient
- Use your pacing guide, teacher's edition, planning resources, etc., to develop a lesson plan for movie-making in your content area.
- Don't forget to work in the tech mini-lessons.
Using Movies to
Assess Mastery
Export to your camera roll, then plug your device into the computer. Make sure to turn off automatic sync. Import movie files.
Movies = Standards in Action
Common Core
Planning & Pacing
- College & Career Readiness
- Emphasis on shared responsibility for literacy
- Emphasis on process
- Digital literacy and tech skills
- Produce & consume media
The 4 C's of Common Core
- Plan a schedule that works for you
- Target more than one standard at a time
- Don't wait until spring, the end of the year, next year, etc.
- Be thoughtful, but be flexible
- Front-load some tech skills
- Critical Thinking
- Creativity & Innovation
- Communication
- Collaboration
Tech & CCSS
- Technology is embedded in Common Core content standards.
- Technology can be seen in the College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards.
CCSS Lit. W.6 for 6-8th
CCSS W.6.6
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others...
to Movie-Making