Going Digital:
Conducting Student Research in Teams with Web 2.0
We learned of the demands on providers and
the challenges in providing good care
To research health literacy and share the
literature we found with each other
To examine existing practices in the hospital discharge instructions
and Doodle to organize mid-point meetings
wtih the doctors who were
our project sponsors
To develop focus group questions for different heathcare providers
We established a password-protected wiki
We used Google Docs
and text messaging to coordinate our schedules to interview in teams
To develop focus
facilitator guides ...
...and coordinate
interviews with multiple providers
To analyze and code data.
To transcribe our notes and organize the work of multiple interview teams
To share transcripts with each other for analysis
Web 2.0 to the
Teaching students to work in teams to conduct a research project can be messy and difficult in terms of coordination needed to organize research activities, including
development of research questions
data gathering
time management
coordination of interviews
coding of interview data
analysis and
preparation to disseminate findings
With grateful appreciation to the faculty and staff of the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
Thank you for being with us today!
requirements for protecting data
include password-protected access and
confidentiality for informants
It's also the story of
33 patient interviews
and 9 focus groups
with 31 healthcare providers in an academic medical center
Presented by
Terry Carter, EdD
Jonathan West, MEd
Virginia Commonwealth University
This is the Story of
Nine Students,
a Research Study,
and a Wiki
The Research Study was undertaken
by graduate students earning the M.Ed. degree
in their final semester of coursework...
...in response to a request from our School of Medicine to help them investigate issues of literacy and health literacy
as factors in hospital readmissions
To answer the question,
What are the barriers to successful care transition from the hospital to the outpatient setting?
The Course was an action learning graduate seminar. Key concepts included reflection
and learning to ask "fresh" questions,
the basics of
action learning methods.
The Challenges Seemed Large
Why hospital readmissions?
- All who had full-time jobs
- Who would need to interview patients, doctors, nurses, social workers, and pharmacists
We discovered much
about what it takes to keep us well and healthy...
and of the care needed by patients
Changes in Healthcare Laws
will prohibit government payments
to hospitals for patients readmitted within 30 days for
similar conditions
It's a BIG problem nationwide
costing billions of $$$
This digital story shares some of our findings
All photos are from Flickr and are not of actual patients
but the words spoken are those of patients and providers from transcripts that have been recorded by others