
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


... and now, the not so rude mnemonic!

....& for the medics!

Oh (Olfactory)

Oh (Optic)

Oh (Oculomotor)

Trina (Trochlear)

Tracy (Trigeminal)

And (Abducens)

Flirty (Facial)

Vicky (Vestibulocochlear)

Got (Glossopharyngeal )

Vaginitis (Vagus)

And (Accessory)

Herpes (Hypoglossal)


XII Hypoglossal Nerve

Controls muscles of tongue

Which way now .....?

XI (Spinal) Accessory Nerve

Controls muscles used in head/neck movement

Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius


Decision making

Now what shall I do...?

Townes Van Zandt

Oh (Olfactory)

Oh (Optic)

Oh (Oculomotor)

Townes (Trochlear)

Took (Trigeminal)

All (Abducens)

t' Finest (Facial)

Verses (Vestibulocochlear)

n' Gals (Glossopharyngeal )

Virgins (Vagus)

And (Accessory)

Highs (Hypoglossal)

X Vagus Nerve

Muscles of larynx/pharynx - swallowing, phonation

Sensory, motor and autonomic functions of viscera (glands, digestion, heart rate)


Make good decisions ...!



Treat & monitor or refer on??

Look out for the forthcoming

'Cranial Nerves Country Song'

... & never forget the Cranial Nerves again!

I Olfactory Nerve

For educational purposes only



IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve

Taste (posterior 1/3 of tongue);

Somatosensory information from tongue, tonsil, pharynx;

Gag reflex

A clinicians guide...

Essential knowledge for medics,

nurses & manual therapists...

II Optic Nerve

Vision & visual fields

Snellen chart

VIII Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Reaction to Pen light - Pupillary light reflex

Hearing; balance

III Oculomotor Nerve

Eye movements; Ptosis? pupil size? nystagmus?


pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation?

VI Abducens Nerve

IV Trochlear Nerve

Eye movements

... as III, IV

Eye movements (III & IV) - Follow finger with eyes

Trace a H shape - look for symmetry

VII Facial Nerve

V Trigeminal Nerve

Somatosensory information (touch, pain) from the face and head; light touch, pin prick

Palpate masseter muscle

Va: sensory

Taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)

Check muscles used in facial expression

Vb: sensory

Vc: Mixed

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