e-Portfolios 101
Dialogue is:
Collective, reciprocal, supportive, cumulative, and purposeful. A meeting of the minds and ideas as well as voices; and it is therefore mediated through text, internet and computer screen, as well as through face-to-face interaction (Alexander 2006 & Coffield 2008).
Students/Teachers will use Wordpress or Google Sites to create a professional portfolio, which must include:
• Philosophy of Education
• Ethical Statement
• Resume
• Educational Journey
• Intersect theory with practice
• Relevant Educational Artifacts
• Technology Competence
• Lesson Plan with standards objectives and outcomes
• Collaborative efforts with peers/colleagues
Janice Gamble & Esley Newton
Additional References
http://www.csedweek.org "The Voice of K12 Computer Science Education and Its Educators Vol. 8 Issue 6 Nov. 2012
http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/199254/chapters/What -Are-Professional-Portfolios¢.aspx
“In ways that no other assessment can, portfolios prove a connection to the contexts and personal histories that characterizes real teaching and make it possible to document
the unfolding of both teaching and learning over time.”
Lee Shulman
- Special Educators
- Early Childhood Educators
Google Sites
Learning Objectives
Things to Include:
- Distinguish between different types of e-Portfolios
- Understand the importance of reflective practice in professional growth
- Collaborate with peers and colleagues to acquire different perspectives on portfolio design
- Recognize the importance of developing an educational philosophy and ethical standards
- Explore different Web 2.0 tools to select a format that best reflects how you present yourself to an audience
I. Background Information
- Resume
- Background information on teacher and teaching context
- Educational philosophy and teaching goals
II. Teaching Artifacts and Reflections Documenting an Extended Teaching Activity
- Units/instructional plans
- Curriculum resources
- Lesson plans
- Videos
- Student work samples
- Rubrics
- Reflective commentary by the teacher
III. Professional Information
- Professional activities
- Letters of recommendation
- Evaluations
What is an e-Portfolio?
Popular e-Portfolio Tools
1. Weebly
2. Google Sites
3. Wordpress
4. Webs
5. Wix
6. PBWorks
A digitized collection of an
educator's artifacts to
document their academic
and professional
growth over time.
Basic Types
of e-Portfolios
for Educators
- Developmental
- Assessment
- Professional
- Hybrids
e-Portfolios as teaching
and Assessment tools
Gives educators the ability to look introspectively and self reflectively at their educational journey and professional practice.
- Easy to update and rectify
- Helps you become a better educator
- Proves your tech savvy
- Allows you to use multimedia
- ePortfolios save space
- Collaborative tool
A teaching portfolio is a coherent set
of material that represents teaching
practice as related to student learning. “Teaching practice” in its broadest
sense extends beyond the obvious
activities that go into teaching a
course to include all activities that
enrich student learning.