Mobile Learning Device Expectations
- Use at designated times for instructional purposes (Look for the SIGN)
- Follow us on Twitter for updates and information
- @GRHSNews (Message from the Principal)
- GRHSstudentnews (Journalism Dept)
Electronic Media Agreement
- DO NOT misrepresent yourself or GRHS in ANY manner utilizing social media.
- DO NOT bully or threaten others in ANY manner utilizing social media.
- May result in removal from your co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activity.
GRHS Student Behavior Expectations
- Treat others with respect.
- Arrive to class on time and prepared.
- Support GRHS activities, clubs and extracurricular programs.
- Demonstrate Longhorn Pride.
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
- New Clubs (2014)!!!
- Model UN
- Conversational Spanish Club
- COS Play Club
- Radical Club
- Audio Book Club
- Football
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Track
- Wrestling
- Baseball
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Diving
- Cross Country
- Speech/ Debate
- Unicef
- Video Game Club
- SWAT (Students with a Testimony)
- MSA (Muslim Student Association)
- Physics Club
- Pre-Med Club
- Ted-EX
- Law Enforcement Club
- National Tech Honor Society
- Asian Culture Club
- African Culture Club
- Amnesty International
- Save Our Strays (SOS)
- Fishing Club
- Acceptance for All
- Art Club
- Book Club
- Cinematography Club
- Creative Writing
- Culture in Action
- Engineering Club
- Feminism Club
- French Symposium Club
- Hardcore Steppers
- Fashion Design
- Hispanic Heritage Club
- Anime Club
- Stampede
- Student Council
- Make A Wish
Expectations for a Clean School
- No Food or Drink in the classroom or hallways.
- Throw away all trash over the entire campus including the Cafeteria.
Attendance Expectations
Checking Out of School Early
- Only parents/ guardians can check a student out of school for an appointment or illness.
- Parents/ Guardians are required to show proper identification when checking a student out of school.
- The student and Parent MUST sign out through the Student Service Window (SSW).
- With a parent note, the student can stop by the SSW in the morning. The pass to leave early will be delivered. NOTE: Please inform SSW of time the student needs to leave, not the appointment time.
- What is the 90% rule?
- A student must be attendance at least 90% of the days offered in order to receive credit.
- What if a student is out for an extended illness or extenuating circumstances and miss more than 10% of the days?
- The student may "appeal" the absences for medical reasons or certain extenuating circumstances. The student will need original medical notes as documentation. Contact Mr. Croft for additional information.
- State Law requires (Not George Ranch or LCISD) that a student be in attendance a minimum of 90% of all school days.
- School Hours?
- School begins: 8:15
- School ends: 3:30
- When I am sick, what do I need to do?
- Call Mrs. Hancock @ 832-223-4204, inform attendance clerk of illness.
- Do I need a note? Where do I turn it in?
- Yes. Unexcused absences must be cleared every 3 weeks. The SSW.
Administrators and Counselors
- Attendance notes
- Counselor appointment requests
- Electronic device pick-up
- Locker requests
- Parking applications and permits
- Sign in/ out
- Student questions and information
- Tardy and dress code sweeps
- Textbook requests
- Verification of enrollment (VOE)
- Holds list
Academic Expectations
Principal: Dr. Fred Black
Associate Principal: Greg Tielke
Assistant Principals/ Counselors
12 Grade: Kayse Lazar/ Carin Reeves
11th Grade: Kevin Croft/ Christy Tucker
10th Grade: Chris Cuellar/ Melanie Gordon
9th Grade: Judy Momanyi/ Renee Swanigan
Registrar: Mrs. Jean Abboud
C&C Director: Rebecca Mobley
Are you registered? No? Register NOW!!!
- Room 1300
- Check Every Week
- Update Information
- Recommendation Letters
- College Applications
- Scholarships
- SAT/ACT Registration
- Job Plans
- Military
- Student qualifying for waivers
- Transcript Requests
- Academic excellence is a campus expectation.
- Students will monitor their grades online through family access.
- Students will attend tutorials and Late Night Library for academic support.
- Students will use teacher websites, Edmodo accounts, Remind 101 and teacher Twitter updates for academic support.
- Students will exercise academic integrity at all times.
- Does not have any behavioral referrals.
- Involved in school and community activities.
- Has taken on leadership roles.
- Demonstrating good citizenship in their classes and the school.
- Students are eligible to apply for NHS during the Spring of their sophomore year.
- Students must have a 90.0 GPA or better to qualify
- Students who qualify will receive an invitation to apply
- Academic Letter jackets are connected to NHS membership
Counselor's Corner
What is it?
- A table where counselors are available to answer any and all of your general questions such as schedules, appointments with the College facilitator, Rank and GPA.
- PSAT Boot Camp- Sept. 27 (Foster HS)
- College Night- October 6 (Terry HS)