Introducing Technology
NETS-S for Grades 3-5
by Sahra Camberos
"Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art fr use in a digital presentation." (nETS-S 1,2,6)
California History Slideshow
- - Using students will research photos of important people in history &
- their contributions to california History
-then using Photoshop Express Editor, a free online tool, students will tweak photos by adding text to the photos
-they will pretend that they are that historial person and personify him/her.
-Finally using Photoshop Express Slideshows, all the students will place their photos to create 1 slideshow to present their historical person.
"Identify and investigate a global issue and generate possible solutions using digital tools and resources."(NETS-S 3,4)
-In order to make students aware of global issues...
we will discuss poverty...
& how they can...
using, students will be able to utilize computers to raise awareness about world hunger.
at the same time they will be able to donate improvished countries...
just by playing the games on the website
"Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data to evaluate theories or test bypotheses." (NETS-S 3,4,6)
As a class, we will discuss measurement.
using rulers we'll measure stuff around the room...
Then we'll discuss how they can use different objects to measure things.
I'll pose the question..."how long do you think the room is, if you used (student's name)?"
in groups...the students will each take a guess as to how long the room is...
using excel we'll make a table that documents everyone's hypothesis
The student will then lie down and as a class we will discover how many (studnet's name) the room is...
we will then analyze the data to our guesses.
"Practice injury prevention by applying a variety of ergonomic strategies when using technology."(NETS-S 5)
So what is it??
this is a word that almost all students will NOT know..
it is the study of designing equipment to fit the human body and its movements.
It also has to do with preventing injury while working.
using the computer, students will research the topic..
they will be in groups to discover the differnt types of injuries a person can get from work.
then in groups they present their research through a powerpoint presentation, and discuss how to prevent these injuries...
it will be their responsiblity to incorporate graphics in their presentation to further enhance their project.