Give students opportunities to reflect on their learning.
Created by Kelly Tenkely
based on Prezi by Maria Andersen
Tweetup where you will learn some "geek" speak.
If you can text, post on Facebook, or instant message, you can Tweet!
A few Tweets (or more) each day composed by you and your students- Class reflection.
What will it take?
Connecting with other Tweeting Cassrooms... lists
Connecting with other teachers- more lists
Connecting students with "experts" (Astronauts, scientists, authors, artists) - more lists
Connecting with the CHC community, parents, and admin
Connect students to a global learning community.
Model proper use of social media for students.
Give the community opportunities to "peek" inside CHC classrooms to get a feel for what makes us special and unique.
Give parents the opportunity to follow their child's learning in new, meaningful ways.
Tweet as a class on the Promethean
Formative assessment:
What did your students learn?
Reflect on learning as a class
Tweeting with Students...
What does it mean for you?
What is it like to take
your class on Twitter?
Illustration by Mat Moore
Freelance Illustrator