Joseph II
Most radical royal reformer
Son and successor of Maria Theresa
Supported freedom of worship
Even for Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews
Abolished serfdom and ordered that peasants be paid for their labor with cash
introduced legal reforms and freedom of the press
Many reforms were undone after his death
Frederick The Great
Reformed the justice system
Abolished the use of torture
Thought serfdom was wrong but allowed it because he needed the support of wealthy landowners
"the first servant of the state"
Catherine The Great
- Daughter of a German Prince
- A few months after her marriage she had her husband, the czar, arrested
- Soon after he conveniently died, probably by murder
Read many of the works of Enlightenment philosophes including Voltaire
- 1776
- Formed a commission to review Russia's law
- Proposed new laws based on the ideas of Montesquieu and Beccaria
- Nakaz/Instruction: condemned torture, capital punishment, & serfdom
Never accomplished proposed goals
Recommended allowing religious toleration and abolishing torture and capital punishment
Had favored an end to serfdom but after a revolt she changed her stance
Tried to gain access to the Baltic Sea
Won control of the northern shore of the Black Sea after defeating the Ottomans
Also won the right to send ships through Ottoman controlled straits
The First Partition Of Poland
Russia, Prussia, and Austria each took a piece of Poland
Poland disappeared as an independent country for more than a century
Enlightened Absolutism
Granted many religious freedoms
Reduced censorship
Improved education
Pugachev's Rebellion
- Led by Cossack Emelian Pugachev
- supported by workers, conservatives, clergy
- Claimed throne on behalf of the late Peter III
- Declared emancipation of serfs
- Military suppressed
- Last major peasant uprising in imperial Russia
- Solidified nobles' support for Catherine II