Intro to Archaeology
Main Gods & Goddesses
Tinia (Zeus) -Main God, Husband of Uni, Father of Hercle
Uni (Hera) -Goddess of Procreation, Wife of Tinia
Menerva (Athena) - Goddess of Arts and War
Etruscan Myths
Chalchas- Important priest who would read the liver of a sacrificed animal for divination, communicating the will of the gods
- Would also observe bird flight , and lightning patterns
Apotropaic Images- Images intended to ward of evil spirits
- Achlae- a horn-headed river god with the body of a bull meant to bring good luck
- Medusa
- Symplegma
- Bloody Battle scenes
- Dancing Satyrs & Maenads
Etruscan Mythology
Pantheon of Etruscan Gods & Goddesses
Difference between Etruscan & Greek Mythology
Role of Women
- Uni has much more power than Hera, she is more than just a consort
- Could own property
- More women deities
Importance of Family
- More mother Goddess/ more depictions of women nursing (Selma & Fufluns)
- Emphasis on couples both divine and human ( Aita & Phersipnai, Turan & Atunis, and Vanth & Charu)
Use of Symplegma
- Explicit erotic scenes that had the power to ward off evil
- Were used in tombs
- Alpan- Underworld Goddess, Sexual Love
- Ani- God of the Sky
- Aplu (Apollo)- God of Light and Weather
- Catha- God of the Sun
- Laran (Ares) - God of War
- Nethuns (Neptune)- God of Water
- Nortia- Goddess of Fate and Fortune
- Sammamus- God of Storms
- Thalna- Goddess of Childbirth
- Thesan- Goddess of Morning and Dawn, Patroness of Childbirth
- Turan (Aphrodite)- Goddess of Love, Health, and Passion
- Turms (Hermes)- Messenger of the Gods, Guides the deceased to the underworld
- Voltumna- A Chthonic God of the Etruscans, Later elevated to Supreme God Status
Origins of Etruscan Mythology
International Orientalizing Period (8th to 7th centuries BC)
- Close contact with all the Mediterranean cities
- Resulted in the Etruscan's adopting greek alphabet in order to create their own
- Adopted Greek mythology
Greek Artwork
- Vases were a huge source of information for Etruscan artist
- François Vase 550 BC
The story of Uthuste (Odysseus) and the Sirens