The Analysis of
'The Music Biz'
The type of documentary is mixed as it contains narrative, interviews and some observations.
The themes included are as follows:
Power of media
Manipulation of audience
Subject matter of marketing and music
The image creation of star
Narrative Structure:
- Single strand- one line of argument
- Closed narrative, viewer wasn't left to make up own mind
- Circular, opened and closed with same concept
- Non-linear & non-chronological
- Interviews shot in left and right aligned style.
- Interviews also shot in convetional style- Close up and Medium close up.
- However, one interview was shot in profile of the person. This is unconvetional.
- Press room scene taken in voyeuristic style. Audience is placed in eyes of press with use of Point of View shots, tracking room. handheld camera used to emulate love shots taken by press.
- Greenscreen- Virgin records and music videos done to promote marketing, relating to themes of music industry
- Chromakey used as archive footage played behind interviews
- Narrator- young, used Standard English however was opinionated, sarcastic and bias towards exposition
- Meatloafs music
- Tense music emphasising importance and build up to charts.
- Chart music played too.
- Spin on images spinning newspaper
- Slow motion, as well as fast motion and quick cuts
- Montage
- Elliptical editing
- Dissolves on interviews
- During press shots, unconventional interviews
Archive Material:
- American News broadcasts
- Brit Awards Ceremony
- Msuci videos and behind scenes footage
- Cd covers
- Interview with David Letterman
- Clip from Noel's House Party
The graphics:
- Title of programme & 'The Music Biz' logo are stylised as this adds originality
- White sans serif font, superimposed into the frame
- Scrolling credits used- unconventional