Quality hours:
- Practicing outside of your comfort zone.
- Working on the elements you aren't good at, rather then practicing what you are good at at.
- Constantly practicing to improve.
Michael Phelps
Tiger Woods
Malcolm Gladwell
Steve Jobs
Anders Ericsson's theory was made famous by Malcolm Gladwell and his book Outliers.
Bill Gates
The Beatles
Wayne Gretzky
Someone or something that stands out. In this case someone who is more successful then the regular population.
Bill Gates.
Bill gates had 10000 hours of computer programing under his belt by the time he was 13. Most kids his age didn't even know what a computer was.
Anders Ericsson
- A professor at Florida State University.
- The founder of the 10000 hours theory.
It takes 10000 hours of deliberate practice to become successful in any field.
Is hours a good measurement of time?
Only if the hours are used properly.
Ten thousand hours of work, and I'm still not great?
Probably because the hours weren't deliberate.
Genes Vs. Practice
"The closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the preparation seems to play"
Basically anybody can do it.
How long does 10000 hours take??
- It would take 2.4 years to accomplish 10000 hours if you practice 11.4 hours a day.
10000 Hour Theory
- It would take 3.6 years to accomplish 10000 hours if you practice 8.6 hours a day.
- It would take 4.8 years to accomplish 10000 hours if you practice 5.6 hours a day.
- It would take 9.6 years to accomplish 10000 hours if you practice 2.8 hours a day.
Not every hour counts.
Quality hours are the only ones that count.
It's deliberate, meaningful, engaged practice that makes the difference.
Michael Phelps
A perfect swimmer body can't be the only reason Michael on 8 gold medals in one olympics.
Michael Phelps is said to have logged 22000 hours of practice.
Thats 220% of the recommended amount to be successful.
It can't just be good genes...
The Beatles
They accomplished 10000 hours of practice on stage in Hamburg Germany before they became famous.
Who will get more out of a practice if...
Not quality hours:
- Only practicing the elements you are good at.
Soccer player 1 kicks a ball 30 times in an hour, talks to friends, and doesn't engage into practice.
- Staying in your comfort zone.
- Mindless practice with no focus.
Soccer player 2 kicks a ball 100 times in an hour, and is focused on every shot he takes.