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Life Cycle of Salmon








of Life


Challenges of the Life Cycle


Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 5

The next stage of salmon

development, is the parr

stage. It is characterized

by the vertical bars that

develop on the sides of their bodies. These bars, or parr marks, help camouflage the small fish from predators. This stage can last months or years, depending on the species.

Once the yolk sac is fully

absorbed, the salmon

emerge from the gravel

as fry, and begin to move about and feed on their own. Some salmon fry species start swimming toward the estuaries, while other species of salmon wait months, even years, before heading downstream.

The maturing parr makes

its way downstream to

the estuary. The salmon

transition from living

in freshwater to living in saltwater, through a

process called osmoregulation. At the end of the

transformation the salmon becomes a smolt.

smolts loose the parr marks and turn


Stage 2

Stage 6

After the salmon

hatch it is

known as an

Alevin. The Alevin

does not yet

have a fully

formed mouth or digestive system. Instead it lives

off the nutrients provided from its yolk sac.

Challenges of the Life Cycle

Human activities that

degrade or diminish habitat

are the primary cause of salmon decline.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Salmon have a hard life?

For every 8000 eggs produced, 4500 alevin survive, from which 650 fry survive, from which 200 parr survive, from which 50 smolt survive, from which only 2 spawning adults survive (who produce thousands of eggs).

The growing smolt eventually becomes

the ocean going adult. During the ocean phase

salmon leave the near shore waters and head

to the cold, open ocean. In the ocean, salmon

travel in large, loose schools, and feed on small

fish, krill, and crustaceans. They remain in the

ocean for 2 to 8 years


Q: How many species of salmon are there?

A: Yes, most salmon can be seen migrating during the fall (September through November). Steelhead trout migrate in the summer and winter but don't spawn until spring and are harder to observe than salmon (because the water is higher in spring and they don't change color).

A: Some salmon will try to find the right stream until they use up all their energy and die but most would simply try to find other salmon to spawn with. These fish stray into other streams to spawn if they are lucky.




The End

Q: What can we do to save salmon?

Q: How long do salmon usually live?

A: 2 to 7 years (4 to 5 average).

Photo Content

A: Some things we can do to save salmon are to protect their stream habitat, help restore streams that have been damaged, reduce fishing, and help find ways to increase salmon survival through the dams.

Slide 5: http://cache2.artprintimages.com/lrg/49/4921/REU9G00Z.jpg

Slide 6:


Slide 7:


Q: What happens if a salmon cannot find its stream?

Slide 9: http://www.beautifulpacificnorthwest.com/images/cohosmolt2.jpg

Slide 10:


A: There are eight species of Pacific salmon: chinook, coho, chum, sockeye, pink, steelhead trout, masu and amago salmon (two Asian species).

There are three generally recognized groups of Atlantic salmon: North American, European, and Baltic.

Stage 1

More Photo Content

Federal agencies have a

fundamental responsibility under

the Endangered Species Act to

prevent extinction and foster

recovery of threatend salmon species.

Slide 11


Slide 13 and 14


Redd (Gravel Nest)

Slide 15 and 16


Slide 17 and 18


Slide 19 and 20


habitat destruction

Slide 21 and 22


Stage 7

Even More Photo Content

Slide 23 and 24


Slide 25 and 26


Slide 28 and 29


USGS Questions and Answers About Salmon

Slide 30


Slide 31 and 32


Slide 33


Slide 34 http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/1751/sarovardamindiayb1.jpg

Slide 35


Q: Why do salmon die

after they spawn?

And Finally the Last Page of Photo Content

Video Source

Slide 43 - hyperlinked image

Slide 36


A: Salmon use all their energy for returning to their home stream, for making eggs and digging the nest. Most salmon stop eating when they return to freshwater and have no energy left for a return trip to the ocean after spawning. After they die, other animals eat them (but people don't) or they decompose, adding nutrients to the stream. Steelhead trout, however, continue to eat in freshwater and many survive and return to the ocean. These fish can grow another year and then return to spawn again.

Web Resources:

Slide 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, & 25




Slide 28 & 31


sound clips http://www.fws.gov/video/sound.htm

Slide 51 - 66 http://wfrc.usgs.gov/outreach/salmon.html

Slide 37


Q: Are there specific seasons in which salmon can only be found?

Slide 38


A: In the Pacific Northwest, salmon populations are doing very poorly. There are many reasons for this. Logging an area around a stream reduces the shade and nutrients available to the stream and increases the amount of silt or dirt in the water which can choke out developing eggs. Dams cause fish to die from the shock of going through the turbines and from predators which eat the disoriented fish as they emerge from the dam. Fishing is another source of death that can contribute to the decline of salmon. The weather also affects the amount of food that is available to salmon in the ocean.

Scientists think they can tell directions in the ocean by the earth's magnetic field acting like a compass. When they find the river they came from they start using smell to find their way back to their home stream. They build their "smell memory-bank" when they start migrating to the ocean as young fish.

Slide 39


Q: How do salmon know where their home is when they return from the ocean?

Slide 40


Slide 41


Why are there so few salmon left?

Slide 41


Slide 42 http://www.water.ca.gov/recreation/locations/oroville/FeatherRiverTour/images/fish_ladder_profile.jpg

Slide 43


The salmon

begins life as an egg.

The eggs in this photo

are called eyed eggs

because the eye spot is

visible. This is also an

indicator that the egg is

viable, meaning that it is

growing life. Eggs will hatch between for 4-16 weeks.


Salmon leave the ocean, swim

back up the river, to the same

gravel redd that they were born in; spawn and

then die from exhaustion. The carcass, is super important to the overall ecosystem, as well as the next generation of salmon. The carcass provides nutrients to the forest, and young salmon also feed on the invertebrates that break down the carcasses.

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