Liberal Arts Colleges and the Holistic Review Process
What is a Liberal Arts Education?
- Socratic Method
- Smaller Class Sizes
- Well Rounded Subject Matter
- Experiential Learning
- How to Work With Others
- How to Lead
- How to Think vs What to Think
Why is a liberal arts education so important today?
The Holistic Review Process
adjective /hōˈlistik/
Characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole
A consideration of the whole person
Questions to ask yourself before applying
- Why are you applying to this school?
- If you don't know the answer to that question, you might want to reconsider
- Are you admissible to this school?
- Do your research!
- IPEDS - Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
- Contact your admissions counselor
- Would you enroll if accepted?
Application Methods
- Individual School Application
- Common Application
The Common Application
- Easy way for students to apply to multiple colleges without having to fill out the same information again and again
- Always send your best work
- Please don't apply to all nearly 500 member schools!
Essay or Personal Statement
- Often the most stressful part for you
- Often our favorite part!
- This is how we get to know you; evaluate your writing ability
Hey Sarah, what should I write my essay about?
- Good topics are wide ranging, but always personal OR personally meaningful
- Gives us a chance to get to know you in a different, more creative way
- Do you like me? Check 'Yes' or 'No'
- Please, don't overshare!
Supplement (Common App), Short Answer
- Some schools have them, some don't
- Often, schools just want to know why you are applying
- Make it easy on us - why DO you want to be here?
- Your application file is NOT complete until this is filled out
- Please follow the character limits!
- Optional - Fine Arts, Athletics
School Report or School Profile
- Your high school counselor will fill this out (if you ask them to!)
- This is how we evaluate how you took advantage of the opportunities at YOUR high school
- The application file is not complete until this is submitted
Test Scores
- This is one way we evaluate you in comparison to our entire applicant pool
- Is the college test score optional?
- Does the college super score?
- It is always to your benefit to take the test more than once
- We will always give you the highest composite
- Send in ALL your scores!
Letters of Recommendation
- This is how we evaluate you in comparison to your peers
- It's never too soon to inform recommenders that you will ask them for a letter
- Make it easy on them - remind them of why you're great!
- Most schools require one from school counselor, one from core teacher
- Possibly additional letters for arts or athletics
- Any more than three can make us wonder...
Special Circumstances
- Suspension
- Grade troubles
- Behavioral challenges
- Learning difference
- Health issues
- It's ALWAYS better to have a conversation than to omit the information. Don't be afraid of your admissions counselor!
Complete Application Files Include
- Application
- Essay or Personal Statement
- Supplement or Short Answer
- Transcript
- School Report
- Test Scores
- Teacher LOR
- Counselor LOR
- Special Circumstances
- People (not computers) review your application
- No individual piece of an application will get you accepted, nor will a single piece result in a denial
- Honesty is always better than omission
- You don't have to submit your entire application at the same time - it's fine if pieces arrive at different times
- If you are applying to schools that are the right fit for you, you will have more acceptance letters than you know what do with!
Q. Common App vs. School App; Which is better?
A completed application of a qualified candidate is all we see!
Letters of Recommendation
Covered by someone else!
Special Circumstances
- Student was Expelled
- Student has LD or OHI
- If you do not feel comfortable writing something down, tell us to contact you!
Sarah Goldman, Assistant Director of Admission Cornell College
Study will likely include:
Science, Mathematics, History, Arts, Literature, Language, Politics, Psychology, Sociology
Does your doctor practice pure science?
Whoa, now I really want to attend a liberal arts college, how do I get in?
- Don't be modest
- List all activities
- List any and all awards
- Have it proofread!
- A very important part of the whole
- We evaluate the classes you've chosen to take AND the grades you've received
- Colleges calculate GPAs differently
- Transitions to high school can be rough
- Are there things you want to explain on your transcript? We're listening!