Activity 2: Final Assignment
Revision of Poetry Lesson
Thank you!
1c. Materials:
- Tone & Voice presentation
- Electronic copies of "My Papa's Waltz"
and "We Wear the Mask"
- Paper copies of annotation chart
- iPads
1d. Activities
1. Brainstorm a class list of tone words and examples of how to make them more specific
2. Take notes on Tone & Voice power point
3. Analyze a poem in small groups
4. Analyze a poem individually
5. Write a paragraph that answers the essential question “How can a poet’s voice and tone make a poem intense, unique, and memorable?"
5. Potential Challenges
4. Rationale for
1b. Learning Objectives:
1. Students will understand tone and voice
2. Students will identify tone and voice and analyze the effect of a poem in small groups
3. Students will identify tone and voice and analyze the effect of a poem individually
1. Voice Thread
2. QuickTime Player
1. Maintaining a sense of community and respect among my students in their blogs
3. WordPress
1e. Knowledge Assessment:
Summative assessments
1. Reviewed and graded students'
paragraphs that directly answered the
essential question.
Formative assessments
1. Listened and participated in students' conversations about the first poem in small groups
2. Reviewed and graded students’ annotation chart for the second poem
2. Convincing my PLC that teaching our
students to command multimodal texts is
3. Teaching my PLC how to use Voice Thread
3. Description of Transformation
6. References
Karchmer-Klein, R. (2013). Best practices in using technology
to support 21st writing. In S. Graham, C. MacArthur, & J.
Fitzgerald (Eds.), Best Practices in Writing (pp. 309-333).
New York: Guilford.
1. Change the delivery of the content
Walsh, M. (2004). Reading visual multimodal texts:
how is 'reading' different? Conference
Proceedings of the ALEA 2004 Conference).
2. Change the summative assessment to
make it multimodal
1a. Essential Question:
How can a poet’s voice and tone
make a poem intense, unique,
and memorable?
3. Extend the summative assessment
into a blog post
Table of Contents
2. Rationale for Change
Tone & Voice= Elements of Style
Multimodal texts offer more style choices
1. Description of Existing Lesson
2. Rationale for Change
3. Description of Transformation
4. Rationale for Transformation
5. Potential Challenges
6. Resources
More practice with multimodality
Multimodality allows for collaboration!
Multimodal texts reach More types of learners