Related work
User and product features change over time
Recommending products to users
Movies may be preferred once they are considered 'classics' (Koren, 2010); new products may cause users to change their focus (Kolter & Malouf, 2007)
- Users should be compared to others reviewing the product at the same time
From amateurs to connoisseurs:
modeling the evolution of user expertise
through online reviews
Goal is to predict users' ratings of products
Special effects that were good in 2003
may not be good in 2013
We need to understand the preferences of the user, and the properties of the product
e.g. How much will Julian like Harry Potter?
Julian McAuley, Jure Leskovec
Stanford University
this paper!
- Users should be compared to others with the same 'age'
- Age ('development') of the user
A child who likes Harry Potter in 2003
may have outgrown it in 2013
- Age ('zeitgeist') of the community
Even though today's children like Harry Potter,
the children of 2023 may not
- Users should be compared to members of their community or social network
Users may influence each other (Ma et al., 2011; Moe & Schweidel, 2012), and communities may shift (Xiong et al., 2010)
Each model makes different assumptions about which users are 'similar'
Our goal is to compare and model these effects
An example
How do users 'age'?
Models of temporal evolution
'Global' versus 'Personal' clocks
We don't model physical age, but rather development, or 'expertise'
Start with the 'standard' latent factor model
Should users/products/communities be modeled in terms of their age or in terms of the date?
- A user should watch many movies before they will enjoy Citizen Kane
- A user should drink many wines before they will enjoy a Romanee Conti
- A user won't enjoy a bitter IPA, a smokey whiskey, or a strong cheese, until they have acquired a taste for them
Replace it by a series of models, indexed by a user's 'life stage'
- Are 13 year old wines good, or are wines from 2000 good?
- Did I start to enjoy Games of Thrones because it became popular, or because I became interested in fantasy?
- Is Harry Potter popular in 2013, or amongst 13 year olds?
Users need to be ready for the products they consume
The very act of consuming products will cause users' tastes to change
If we know each user's experience level, fitting the parameters is easy
Products/communities evolve over time:
Users evolve over time:
Learn the rate at which each user evolves:
We need to fit the parameters of each recommender system
What are we really learning?
started out (somewhat) expert
Experts agree with each other
How do experts differ from beginners?
Users who fail to become
experts are likely to quit
1) Experts give similar ratings when reviewing the same products
The two steps repeat
until convergence
Model fitting
(mean squared error of rating predictions on test set
users with at least 50 ratings)
- The constraint that users 'progress' between successive models means that all users evolve in the same 'direction'
- Really, we're learning some property of evolution that's common to all users, regardless of when they arrive in the community
- 'Expertise' is the name we give to this property
- Temporal evolution occurs on the level of products, users, and communities
- We studied how users evolve as they review more products - or as they become more expert
- Modeling expertise leads to more accurate performance, and leads to novel insights about how beginners and experts behave
- J. Kolter and M. Maloof. Dynamic weighted majority: An ensemble method for drifting concepts. JMLR, 2007.
- Y. Koren. Collaborative filtering with temporal dynamics. Commun. ACM, 2010.
- H. Ma, D. Zhou, C. Liu, M. Lyu, and I. King. Recommender systems with social regularization. In WSDM, 2011.
- W. Moe and D. Schweidel. Online product opinions: Incidence, evaluation, and evolution. Marketing Science, 2012.
- H. Einhorn. Expert judgment: Some necessary conditions and an example. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974.
- Beloved products are most beloved by experts
- Hated products are most hated by experts
Data are available on
2) They also are individually more predictable (see paper)
see also Danescu Niculescu-Mizil et al. (Thursday session 5)
for train/test splits, regularization etc., see our paper
- Some users start out experienced
- Others never become experienced
- Each user evolves at their own rate
(1) and (2) are arguably necessary conditions for users to be considered 'experts' (Einhorn, 1974)
We also need to fit users' experience progression
- Users gradually become expert over time
- All 'beginners' use the same model, regardless of when they arrive in the community
- But! Not all users should evolve at the same rate!
Since users gain experience monotonically, we can fit experience using Dynamic Programming