Technology for The Classroom...
We filmed the majority of the film with a flip camera, which we found really easy to work with and also handy for uploading our work as there is no need for a cable.
Premier Elements
All of work was put together through Premier Elements. we used it to edit all of our filming.
At first I found this program very frustrating and difficult, as i realised you just need time to work out how it all works, and what will happen if you click on this ect.... But its a really good program and can do incredible things to filming if you know how to do it. I found that Premier Elements isnt something that somebody can teach you how to use. You just need to keep trying until you get it right, and work it out for yourself. I feel that we have come along way but i am still learning.
Websites !
Websites we used along the way....
We had to get our music from Freeplay music as otherwise it would break copyright laws. We used youtube to upload all of our videos so we could put them onto our blogs which takes along time to upload, but is simple enough.
I am still adjusting to using prezi, but i have really liked to outcomes of my prezi's so far.
What else did we use?
- A tripod
- Iphone (for filming when flip camera ran out of battery)
- Google Images
- Word 2010
- Power Point 2010
Flip camera