"Everything Everywhere"
Key Shifts
From Institution to Individual
journal to article, cult of individual, one to one, many to many
Closed Data to Open Data
I use Google Scholar because I can monitor my own profile
Beyond the ivory tower
REF agenda and impact, but more about being a public intellectual
DIY PR is about owning your story
Self promotion is authentic & personal
From search to being discoverable
Data and content finds me now, I don't search
an academic's life on social media
places like Flickr were important to feel part of the web's shifting sands, but also became a way for me to engage with academia differently, as a co-producer, rather than just as a speaker ,author, or audience member at a conference
@andymiah / @CreativeFutur / @UWScreative
"At the pre-print stage, I sometimes put manuscripts on to places like issuu, where they can be found, shared, and presented in a visually appealing way. It builds a library of my papers, which can be useful for feedback in the re-writing stage."
2013 is the year of video micro-blogging and I've tried to use video to extend the form and reach of my publications. I sometimes translate manuscripts into brief, oral statements, or simply try to paraphrase an argument into a video. I think the visual presence of video is crucial to having a full profile online, which other forms do not provide.
Twitter became a new gateway to my academic network, where previously it was email lists. Twitter lists and hashtags allowed me to be present in academic spaces, even if I wasn't there
"Being on social media began with being on the Internet and feeling like that was a valuable thing for an academic to do. When you start off as a PhD student, you have no publisher, but the Internet provides a space where you can develop your voice. That continued for me and remains integral to my research development."
"Once a paper is out there, then there it is the time for all the other academic social media sites to kick in. Places like Google Scholar, Mendeley, Academia, Amazon all provide social accounts which will notify your followers of any new papers and allow you to upload multimedia content. You can also track your citations and those of others, again changing the way we discover new research - and the way we are discovered by peers.
I receive more invitations and inquiries through Twitter now than I do via email. Twitter feeds news and academic insights to me, so I don't have to search for it as much. It's also a very public way of developing conversations and allows me to find the right kind of people, whom I might not find by other means.
"Following publishers on social media has also become an increasingly important part of my daily exploration. I follow a number of T&F accounts and have really appreciated some of their initiatives, like the Twinterviews on the Journal of Sports Sciences, which I was led to by the main T&Fsport account. It brings an author much closer to a publisher and their editorial boards.
"We are now in this infinite loop of social media, constantly re-feeding the system, making it smarter, more efficient. Where once we did large literature search trawls, now the machine knows what we need to read. We taught it.