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The Rise of Mao Zedong

Who was the Civil War between?

a. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) – Communists, led (eventually) by Mao Zedong.

b. The KMT (Kuomintang) - Nationalists, led by Sun Yat Sen and then Chiang Kai-Shek (pictured).

What were the main events?


First United Front KMT / CCP unite against the local Warlords and foreign influence in China.


First Civil War begins when the KMT, victorious over the warlords, turn against the CCP.


Second United Front – KMT / CCP unite against the Japanese


Second Civil War begins when the KMT, victorious over the Japanese, turn against the CCP.


CCP defeats the KMT. Proclamation of People's Republic of China.

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