Don't forget to use the forum!
Voting also gives the poster more "carbon credits"!
If you post to a forum, you get carbon credits
If you start a forum topic,
you get points for EVERY REPLY
Really good posts (such as those containing screenshots)
Will be awarded extra points by the site admins!
What's the purpose of carbon credits?
Well, the more carbon credits you get,
the more site priveleges you have
And, the more carbon credits you have!
So keep participating,
and you can do just about anything
on the website!
To get started with,
It's best to create an account, or sign-in
Click Login in the upper right,
and either create an a new account
or sign in with either your username or email
and your password
Once signed in, you will see your sign-in name-
If you click your sign in name
you will be directed to your account
where you can view your account details
And when using the forum,
Vote comments up and down
Such as:
- creating blogs
- Sharing files
- Writing articles
- posting quizzes
Click the edit tab
to modify your
At your account, you can view friends, view/modify orders, and edit your info
This will make searches more effective so the best
results come first!
Don't forget to upload your picture!
Don't forget to click on the friends
Click your professional info
to tell others about yourself
This will allow you to edit
your professional information
These are some of the details you can edit in your account:
Remember to check for
friends that added you!
At the friends tab,
You can view
your friends
It's easy to add friends,
Just click on any user
And Select,
Add as friend
You will be promped to send an optional message.
No message? Just click send and they will get your friend request!