Love Letter
The Music Video
How is this song woven into
the fabric of my life?
The Paper
Composed in Google Docs.
Must hand in rough draft to commence filming.
The video
must have voiceover narration
The video should in some way capture the personal importance of that song.
Further Guidelines
* three minute video (approximately)
* may have to abridge your song
* encouraged to work alone, but groups of
two are fine. No cross class shared projects
(that doesn't mean you can't help each other).
* no filming during class time
* go to the Wiki for samples, etc.
Write a two page personal narrative
exploring why this song or these ideas
are personally important.
Explore how the song's meaning has deep and significant relevance.
ex. This song is about pure love and I really think my boyfriend and I are going to be together forever. (actually, please spare us from that kind of thing :) )
ex. This song explains how I see
the world.
Explore how a song
inserted itself into your
ex. This song held me
through the times my parents
split up.
This song perfectly captures
the innocence of that perfect