Economic Development of the Quinault Indian Nation
-blueprint of current model-
Hierarchical structure of the
Quinault Indian Nation
Quinault Commercial Fisheries:
economic activities derived from fisheries . . .
Commercial Ocean
Razor Clam Harvesting:
Quinault Pride Seafood...
Seafood processing plant/cannery
Commercial-unlimited limit ($2.50/lb.)
Subsistance harvest-limit= 100 clams per digger
- Dungeoness Crab
- Halibut
- Ling cod
- red rock
- black cod
- sardines
- salmon trolling
- razor clams
- crab
- ocean/river salmon
- sturgeon
- halibut/ocean bottom fish
The QIN General Council: The GC is the entire body of the QIN membership: the will of the GC is determined and declared at the annual spring meeting and special sessions.
Usual & accustomed grounds/stations
Of Quinault fisheries
Commercial River Fisheries...
Quinault/Queets River salmon:
- Sockeye/blueback (ju'las)
- coho
- chinook (king)
- Lake Quinault
- Lower Quinault River
- upper quinault tributaries
- Queets River
- clearwater river
- Salmon river
- raft river
- moclips river
- copalis river
- Chehalis river
- Humptulips river
- Hoquiam river
- Wishkah river
- Wynoochee river
- satsop river
- "salt waters adjacent to QIN territory"
River Sturgeon
Guided River Expeditions...
Many quinaults offer guided fishing trips on quinault tribal waters
Quinault/Queets River steelhead
non-Indians pay well for opportunities to fish the exclusive stretches of the lower Quinault River
The QIN Business Committee
Quinault Commercial Forestry
The business committee meets every other monday in the Joe delacruz chambers at the tribal administrative complex in taholah--every other meeting is held in queets.
The bC holds closed executive sessions during business hours and then meetings are opened for agenda items
- Chair/President: fawn sharp
- vice-chair/vice President: Gina James
- Treasurer: Lawrence Ralston
- secretary: Latosha Underwood
- 1st ward: Tyson Johnston
- 2nd Ward: Jim Sellers
- 3rd Ward: Lucretia Pope
- 4th Ward: Aliza Brown
- 5th ward: Dawneen Delacruz
- 6th ward: Clarinda "Pies" Underwood
- 7th Ward: Rowland Mason
economic activities derived from forestry
Quinault Land & Timber Enterprise
- logging laborers
- truck drivers
- QDNR forestry personell
- QDNR fire crew
Logging Operations
objective: "consolidate & strengthen timberland acquisition efforts
timber harvest revenues used for tree replanting and land acquistion
very successful at generating $$$ and land consolidation strategy
Cedar salvage operations...
Timber market declines have had a negative impact on operations
Salvage claim operators hire crews to cut fallen cedar into blocks for processing at area mills into shakes and shingles
Operators pay "stumpage rates" per cord (8'x4'x4') this revenue is paid to landowners (allottees)
New focus on harvest of minor forest products
theft and trespass issues are a major concern for QDNR officials
Other QIN Departments & Operations:
Quinault Department of
Natural Resources:
used for floral arrangements
Minor Forest products harvest:
- Administration
- Finance
- Tribal Employment rights office (TERO)
- social services
- Housing authority
- utilities & sanitation
- Emergency services
- Self-governance office
- QIN Police Department
- Resource Protection
- QIN tribal court/legal services
- heritage committee
- quinault tribal gaming agency
- department of education
- Division of Fisheries
- Division of Forestry
- Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Land owner timber sales:
- Greg Masten, field Superintendant
allottees collect revenues from sales of timber and land-use leases
- timber sale preparation & administration
- forestry management support
- realty/timber sale support services
- maintenence of allotment files and archives
Miscellaneous Commercial Endeavors...
Quinault Beach Resort
& Casino (QBRC)
Quinault retail enterprises:
- 159 rooms (400+ sq. ft.)
- standard, studio, parlor, & grand suites
- rates between $116 - $189 / night
- A/C, minibar, wi-fi, room service
- Taholah Mercantile
- Amanda Park General Store
- Queets Trading Post
- "C"-stores-Qmarts #1 & #2
- 8 blackjack tables
- craps (table limit= $3-$500)
- roulette
- 3 card poker
- no-limit hold'em tournaments
- 350 slot machines
QIN owns 4% of the skookum creek
tobacco company
- coffee bar/bistro
- buffets
- "ocean lounge"
- emily's restaurant
- sidewalk-deli
This is a jyurealmccoy production (c)2013 mM