What does Organisation mean?
What does it look like?
Technology in Perspective
ICT Deployment
Innovation and Digital Learning is more than the installation of wireless and BYOT implementation.
ICT Infrastructure
Learning Opportunities
Mandated use
Time to experiment and play
5 ways people react to change
2.5 percent of people dream up new ways of doing things. They are the innovators.
13.5 percent of people quickly respond to what they see as a good idea and adopt it. They are the early adopters.
34 percent of people are more deliberate in thinking through the innovation but, after consideration, will adapt it. They are the early majority.
34 percent of people are skeptical of innovation but eventually respond after seeing the benefits. they are the late majority.
16 percent of people will probably never respond to change. They are the laggards.
1. Ability to communicate professionally
2. Listening skills
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” — Winston Churchill
3. Maintaining a good attitude
4. Critical thinking
The oft-quoted Wikipedia defines critical thinking as “in general… a higher-order of thinking that questions assumptions. It is a way of deciding whether a claim is true, false, or sometimes true and sometimes false, or partly true and partly false.”
There aren’t college courses just for critical thinking. This is something that is simply infused into robust curricula and can take time to master.
5. Teamwork and collaboration
Creating opportunities through strategic use of ICT
How ICT has enabled better student and community engagement alongside producing better learning outcomes
- Identify where you want to go.
- Look at how other organisations have started,
- Take the best of what they have as a starting point
- Customise and build
- Structure your organisation to cater for your innovators and early adopters
- Get students learning how to use tools and techniques that you identified so that your early and late majorities can move seamlessly
Strategic use of ICT to overcome barriers and serve communities better
Where the future opportunities for education development lies at
A look at how ICT deployment has enabled innovation and digital learning projects within the organisation
Deployment at BHS
- Make best use of resources.
- Use curriculum resources wisely
- Look at trends, and at other schools
Education is changing before our eyes
Future opportunities
in education
Overcoming barriers
Better student and community engagement
ICT Deployment