- Economy tends towards its potential output
- Technological change ensures increasing returns to scale
- Living standards rise
- Stable society with living conditions increasing.
- Permanent Hysteresis
- Hits resource constraint
- energy/population/war/etc
- Living standards plateau/ fall.
Population Aging
- Increased pensions cost
- Increased Healthcare cost
- Increased Purchasing power->changes in marketing/ modes of production
- Change in political power
- Culture itself might change
Policies to deal with aging
- Pension reform now
- Mandatory pension provision
- Tax free long terms savings
- Diaspora/recovery/municipal bond structure
- Community care programmes
Climate Change
- Increased rainfall implies increased flooding
- Urgent need for infrastructual development
- Gradual resettlement of affected population
- Retooling of agriculture/services to cope
Coping with climate change
- Levies/flood breaks/river diversion
- Comprehensive nationwide plan
- Horizontal scanning?
- Resettlement
- Ag. Subsidies.
- Energy Security
- Wind/Wave not up to scratch
- Nuclear Power/Interconnectors only solution.
- Pros/Cons
- Cost of interconnectors
- Green investment/innovation
- Changing nature of the family.
- Isolation of communities~Jane Grey.
- Impact of NAMA/NAMA 2.0
- Micro suburbs?
- Won't need gifted list learners
- Burn down leaving cert
- More ideas->More businesses->more jobs->more growth
Final Questions
- Global Question: US or Asia?
- Educational system change
- How to encourage long term (> 9 months) thinking in Irish politics?
Sustainable Development
- Demography
- Pensions/Taxation changes
- Cultural changes
- Energy Challenges
Ireland in 2050: How we will be Living, Liberties Press, 2009