- Women textile workers led a strike
- Sparked riots over shortages of bread and fuel
- Soldiers soon joined the protesters
- Lenin returned to Russia with the help of Germany
- Bolshevik Red Guards, armed factory workers, stormed the Winter Palace and took control of the Provisional Government
- Lenin ordered that all farmland be distributed among the peasants
- Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (terms upset many Russians)
- White Army: opponents who wanted the czar back, wanted democracy instituted, or socialists who opposed Lenin's style
- Supported by Western nations
- Red Army: Bolshevik armed forces
- Led by Leon Trotsky
New Economic Policy
- Small scale version of capitalism
- Allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government
- Government controlled major industries, banks, and means of communication
- Allowed for some private factories and businesses
- Alexander III
- Nicholas II
- Trans-Siberian Railway
- Mensheviks
- Bolsheviks
- Father of the Revolution
- Lenin
- proletariat
- Bloody Sunday
- October Manifesto
- Duma
- Rasputin
- Czarina Alexandra
- Russo-Japanese War
- March Revolution
- Provisional Government
- Kerensky
- Soviets
- White Army
- Red Guard
- Trotsky
- New Economic Policy (NEP)
- Peace, Land, Bread
- collective farms
- Kulaks
- Five Year Plans
- Gulag
- Comman Economy
- Great Purge
- League of Militant Godless
- Totalitarianism
10 min
Five Year Plans
10 min
Joseph Stalin
- "Socialism in One Country"
- Stabilize socialism within USSR
- Supported by moderates
- Favored continuing the NEP to secure domestic growth
Nikolai Bukharin
- Most radical Bolshevik leader
- Believed in actively spreading the revolution abroad
Leon Trotsky
Lenin Restores Order
Bolsheviks renamed
Hammer & Sickle = Union of workers and peasants
Red Star = Rule of the Communist Party
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Russian Revolution
Proletariat and the peasants were not capable of leading a revolution so they needed the guidance of professional revolutionaries
Revolution would end only with the guidance of a single party administration
capitalism vs. the proletariat
History was the story of class struggle
Revolution would end with a "dictatorship of the proletariat"
Spontaneous revolution would occur when the proletariat's numbers would become so great and their condition so poor
Resist Change
Nicholas I
Alexander II
Alexander III
- Autocratic
- Used censorship & secret police
- Monitored education
- Sent prisoners to Siberia
- Made Russian the offical lagnuage and the Orthodoz Church the offical religion
- Utilized Pogroms (organized violence against Jews)
Nicholas II
- Moderates
- Broad base of support
- Followed views of Karl Marx
- Industrial class (proletariat) would overthrow the czar
- Radicals
- Small, committed base
- Poor working conditions
- Low wages
- Child Labor
- Leader of Bolsheviks
- Brother was hanged for plotting to kill the czar
- Planned to overthrow the czar
- "Father of the Revolution"
- Fled to western Europe to escape arrest by the czar
- Government sought foreign investment & raised taxes
- Focused on production of steel
- Constructed the Tans-Siberian Railway
- Factories doubled between 1863 & 1900
Bloody Sunday
- January 22, 1905
- Workers led by priests marched to the Winter Palace in hopes of improving poor working conditions
- Gaurds opened fire killing & wounding 1,000
- Provoked a wave of strikes and violence
- October Manifesto: Nicholas promised more freedom, including the creation of the Duma (which was absolved 10 weeks later)
- Russia was unprepared to handle the military and economic costs
- Within one year, over 4 million Russian soldiers were killed
- Nicholas II moved his headquarters to the war front
- Czarina Alexandra, who was left in charge, ignored the chief advisers and followed the advice of Rasputin
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Crisis At Home & Abroad
- "holy man" who claimed to have magical healing powers
- Nicholas and Alexandra's son, Alexis, suffered from hemophilia
- He opposed reform efforts and appointed his friends to powerful positions
- Nobles attempted to assassinate
- Competed for control of Korea and Manchuria
- Russia broke series of peace agreements
- Japan retaliated by attacking
Russo-Japanese War
March Revolution
- Nicholas II abdicated throne and was later executed
- Duma established a provisional government led by Alexander Kerensky. He chose to keep Russia in WWI.
- Socialist revolutionaries, competing for power, formed Soviets (local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers)
Civil War
14 Million
died during the Civil War and the famine that followed
The Bolshevik Revolution
Peace, Land, Bread