Technique 43 - Positive Framing
- People are motivated by the positive far more than the negative.
- "positive framing" means making interventions to correct student behavior in a positive and constructive way.
- live in the now - avoid harping on what students can no longer fix. focus on what students should do right now to succeed from this point forward.
- assume the best - don't assume an action was intentional, until you know otherwise
- begin by correcting them without using their names when possible
- Great teachers draw attention to the good and to the getting better.
- Talk expectations and aspirations - kids love to be challenged, to prove they can do things, to compete, to win.
Technique 49 - normalize error
- Error followed by correction and instruction is the fundamental process of schooling. You get it wrong, and then you get it right. If getting it wrong and then getting it right is normal, teachers should "NORMALIZE ERROR" and respond to both parts of the sequence as if they were totally and completely normal.
- Wrong answers - don't chasten; don't excuse
- right answers - don't flatter; don't fuss
Technique 44 - Precise Praise
- Differentiate acknowledgement and praise
In the long run, a teacher who continually praises what's expected risks trivializing both the praise and the things she really wishes to label "great".
- Praise (and acknowledge) loud; fix soft
- Praise must be genuine!
Technique 45 - Warm/Strict
A paradox!
- Explain to students why you're doing what you are
- distinguish between behavior and people
- demonstrate that consequences are temporary
- use warm, nonverbal behavior
Technique 46 - The J-Factor
5 Categories of the j-factor
- fun and games
- us (and them)
- drama, song, and dance
- humor
- suspense and surprise
Technique 47 - Emotional constancy
Two Things to do with your emotions
- modulate them
- tie your emotions to student achievement
An emotionally constant teacher earns students' trust in part by having them know he is always under control.
Technique 48 - explain everything
- The "explain everything" teacher tells students the logic behind the rules and expectations.
- They get the big picture.
Teach Like a Champion
Chapter 7
Building Character and Trust
Reflection -
- Think about statements you make that are negative - try to rethink them and say positively.
- Consider what behavioral traits you want in your classroom. For each, write 3 or 4 scripts you might use to reinforce them using "PRECISE PRAISE"
- Make a list of situations in which you are most vulnerable to losing your emotional constancy. Script a calm and poised comment you might make to the other people involved that also reminds you to remain constant.
- Brainstorm 10 ways you could bring more "J-FACTOR" into your classroom.