Instructor poses question.
Students answer independently.
Instructor views results.
If most answer correctly, briefly discuss question.
If students are split, have them discuss in pairs and revote.
Instructor leads classwide discussion.
Student Motivations
Social Motivations
"skates," marythom, Flickr (CC)
Clickers and Backchannel
Considering that a tiny acorn can grow into a mighty oak tree, which of the following contributes the majority of the mass of the tree?
A. Soil
B. Air
C. Water
D. Sunlight
Engaging Students with Classroom Response Systems
"Oak Tree," MunstiSue, Flickr (CC)
Peer Instruction
Presentation + Q&A
If most answer incorrectly, backtrack.
"Oak Tree," MunstiSue, Flickr (CC)
Critical Thinking Questions
Misconception Questions
Student Perspective Questions
Peer Assessment Questions
Kuhn (1992)
Times for Telling
Schwartz & Bransford (1998)
"Something's Gotta Give," Cyron, Flickr
Kuhn (1992)
"Colourful army," maistora, Flickr
"Score Cards," Poundcommapound, Flickr
Type 3
"m i n i mnms," inajeep, Flickr
Type 1
Kuhn (1992)
"Mentos + Diet Coke," the Cobras, Flickr
"Zoe's color histogram," Tony Crider, Flickr
Type 2
"Bronze Age Balance," diffendale, Flickr
Google Moderator + Q&A
Twitter + Small-Group Discussion
Twitter + A Librarian
Ellen Filgo, E-Learning Librarian, Baylor University, @efilgo
Gardner Campbell, Literature & New Media, Baylor University, @gardnercampbell
"The Twitter Experiment"
Monica Rankin, History, UT-Dallas
Small-Group Discussion:
What questions do you have about teaching with clickers?
Each group needs a scribe who has a Web-enabled device and a Google account.
Scribes should visit
to submit their group's questions and vote on other group's questions.
What would be most challenging about using backchannel tools in your classroom?
A. Learning the technology
B. Keeping up with the discussion
C. Responding to the discussion with agility
D. Not being able to "cover" all the content
E. Giving up some control of the class
F. Something else...
"Questions," Oberazzi, Flickr (CC)
Personal Motivations
"in the driver's seat," jenny downing, Flickr (CC)
"puntan," Mikelo, Flickr (CC)
"Wall of Peace," Jeff Bauche, Flickr (CC)
"I'll Give You All I Can," Brandon Warren, Flickr (CC)