Cars, Carparks & Parks
There's 945,829 registered motor vehicles in 2010
Stationary, these vehicles occupy
8.74 sq km of space
That's > 5 x the size of
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve!
BTNR occupies only 0.2% of our country's total area or 1.63 sq km,
but it is amazingly rich in biodiversity with about 40% of the nation's flora and fauna.
AFAIK, BTNR is growing at 0.0% annually :-(
One thing Though..
Cars do not only need stationary space.
- Singapore has 3,356 km of roads.
- that's ~ 18.39 sq km of roads
- if carparks grow @ 3.18% * and roads grow at 0.35% ** annually ...
By 2020, the combined area of carparks and roads will match the size of the Central Catchment Reserve
By 2050, Carpark area alone will cover 100% of CCNR
Have you considered how much your opinion on the lack of carparks and roads to ease traffic weigh against ...
Our need for parks to exercise, improve our eyesight, have clean air to breath, have a place of natural beauty to take photos of..
- Carparks and roads are fast and easy to build. But they need repairs over time.
- Natural landscapes are harder to build artificially. Given time, you might still not do as good a job as Mother Nature intended.
Quote from
The vast majority of outdoor urban space is dedicated to the private vehicle, while only a fraction of that land is allocated to open space for people.
Have you thought of asking for more nature areas to be preserved?
And Finally
a matter of perspective
(cc) photo by medhead on Flickr
This number is growing
at 3.18% annually on average
Let me give you some perspective....
source: LTA 2011 motor vehicle population by COE report
Free Health tips for you
- Health Promotion Board encourages you to aim for 150 min of physical activity a week
- Local Eye researchers found that outdoor activity protects against myopia
Here is some context. Provide some common ground.
Or something from the present, that we should look beyond.
Wowing template. Click through in 20 steps.
*Based on 10 average growth of Motor Vehicles 2000-2010
** Based on the area of the new 21 km NS expressway adding on 1.75% of road area from 2015-2020
*** None of these roads have dedicated cycle lanes by the way.
Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr