Japan on the
rise (1920)
growth and exapnsion
Liberal changes (1920)
problems below
the surface
unrest grows
the manchurian incident
Militarists in power
traditional values r revived
- government accepts military domination
- crack down on socialists
- revive warrior values
- spread nationalist message
- used schools to teach absolute loyalty to the king
- took advantage of civil war
- increased influence
- 1936 alllied with germany and italy (axis powers)
- turned WW2 into a wide spread conflict
Conflicting forces in japan
First, a little background info on Japans
emperor, hirohito.
- early 1930s
- ultranationalists won support
- foreign conquests
- militarists plotted to overthrow government
- breifly occupied tokyo
- 1931 japanese take manchuria
- blew up japanese tracks and blamed china
- claiming to act in "self defense" conquered all of manchuria
- set up puppet state
- withdrew from leage of nations
- expanded navy
- great depression begins
- ultranationalists discontent
- blamed west for stopping expansion
- angered by racist west policies
- set their sites on manchuria
Ultranationslist: extreme nationalists
Manchuria: chinese province rich in national recources
- rural peasents still poor, low factory wages
- drawn to socialist ideas
- youth regect tradition
- military government tensions
- many highs and lows
- general improvment of economy
- during 1920s began to move toward democracy
- Diet (japanese parliment) exercised power
- universal male suffrage
- political parties still influenced(zaibatsu)
- began to slow down expansion
- agreed to limit size of navy and leave shandong
- Incredible growth spur during and after WW1
- exports to allied nations soared
- annexed Korea as a colony
- acquired more rights in china (21 demands)
- took former german possesions
- became a true industial giant
- began to move towards a democracy and prosperity
- drew back imperial goals for better PR
- began to gain international prestige
- conflicts, however, waited to uproot
- economic crisis would bring them to light