- Global awareness
- Understanding governmental processes
- Role of economy
- Physical & mental health decisions
- Protecting the environment
- More information resources
- Classroom activities
- Powerful computational tool
- Embedded professional development
- Feldman, A., Coulter, B., & Konold, C. (Dec-Jan 2001). Linking technology, learning, and school change. Learning & Leading with Technology, 28 (4), 42-47 Retrieved Aug. 21, 2006, fromhttp://neirtec.terc.edu/template/resources/pdf/LTLSC.pdf
- Route 21. (2007). Building 21st Century Skills. Retrieved Sept. 25, 2010, from http://www.p21.org/route21/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=2
- Picawa Web Albums. (2010). Vintage Blance Scale. Retieved Sept. 25, 2010, from http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GF3lkgVRM1cJDbrmfJFw4g
Technology Skills
21st Century Themes
- Research
- Organize
- Evaluate
- Communicate
Advantages of Technology
Life Skills
Effective Technology Integration for
21st Century Learners
- Flexibility
- Time management
- Independence
- Communicate with others
- Be productive
- Responsibility
Everyday Skills
- Think and work creatively
- Reason effectively
- Problem solve
- Communicate and cooperate
- Media Spin. (2007). Thoughtful Preparations: Media Spin Blog. Retieved Sept. 25, 2010, from mediaspin.com/blog/?view=../etc/passwd%00&paged=5