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Recherches à la une
a set of theories and "ways of seeing"
oriented toward the contemporary moment, the now
that is, without closure or end
pastiche is a key effect and tool of postmodernism, postmodern art and literature
informed by industrialization, technologization, globalization,
media saturation
What is the "right" brand of toothpaste?
we live in a world of seemingly limitless choice; one chooses not necessarily what is true, but what one chooses.
a skepticism about the big truths
that drove modern civilization
(18c-very early 20c)
a "break" with modernism,
but also an intensification of its key aesthetic principles
Consider these paintings...
"not everyone lives under postmodern conditions" (During 68)
"the idea of the postmodern is put forward not just as another marketed image of society but as an objective description of what society really and truly is. Yet...there is supposed to be no space for truth and reality in postmodernity" (During 68)
elusive and often confusing!
"My aim is not to close the debate, [to resolve], but to open it, to allow it to develop by avoiding certain confusions..., as far as this is possible" (Lyotard 143)
Gustave Courbet, THE STONE-BREAKERS (1849)
Pablo Picasso, GUERNICA (1937)
hierarchies of
taste and value are