Make sure you had:
Erosion & Nutrient loss
(write down if you missed them)
When humans introduce an organism to a new area, they risk harming the ecosystem
Your "Do Now" 6/01
Native species: an organism that is naturally found in an area
CH 16 Notes #3: Deforestation & Invasive Species
Agenda 6/01
Examples of invasive species in Michigan
Gypsy moth
Zebra mussel
Now you will investigate the effects of invasive organisms on the Michigan & the Great Lakes!
Sea lamprey
How invasive species get into a natural area
Often, humans bring in invasive species either accidentally or on purpose
- Notes: Deforestation & Invasive Species
- Invasive species activity (pairs)
- Last day for make-up work!
Tree of Heaven
- Take a paper from up front
- Answer 1-5
- Study for your quiz
- Fill in Learning Targets After quiz
- We know that organisms in ecosystems are connected
- We also know that if these connections are disrupted, it could change whole ecosystems
- AND we know global warming and pollution are two ways humans have interrupted these connections...
Invasive species: an organism that is not naturally found in an area AND will damage the natural ecosystem
Problems in Florida with Invasives
Deforestation: complete removal of trees/forest in an area
Now we'll look at 2 more ways that humans can impact an ecosystem:
- Deforestation
- Invasive Species
Brown Tree Snakes in Guam
BIG IDEA: Deforestation is another human activity that changes ecosystems
Deforestation usually happens so people can: farm, build homes, and sell timber
KEY POINT: Deforestation is another human activity that negatively affects ecosystems
What makes a species invasive?
Invasive species often have no predators so they can so they can outcompete native species, changing ecosystems