What next
- Support participants who haven't completed the course
- Combine internal and external groups?External group tends to be more active
- Invite past learners to be administrators?
- Involve more librarian colleagues?
- Introduce course FAQs to help new starts
10 Things homepage
Next course starts 5th January
Some statistics
... and what did
Core SG has approx 5000 staff all over Scotland
575 course registrations so far. 375 SG and 200 non-SG
100 places per course for SG staff. 50 for non-SG people
On a scale 1 - 5 most ranked each Thing as either 4 or 5
From May - September 2014:
- 250 joined the course
- 155 used the leaderboard
- of which 49 completed the course
Reasons why only 49 completed?
- Some participants chose to do only some of the Things
- Others still working through the course
- Bite-sized approach
- Emphasis on working at your own pace
- Initially awarded Praise badges, then replaced with leaderboards
- Leaderboard encourages more progress than Praise badges
- Prizes for the internal group
Behind the Scenes
- Revised registration process to ensure Scottish only participants
- Simplified joining instructions
- Introduction of a link to 'content only' version for those not eligible to join or can't access Yammer
Above all:
- Participants sharing their learning and experience through Yammer conversations
- Maintain and edit content as PDF modules
- Host modules on Google Drive
- Use Weebly to present 10 Things with modules embedded
- Use a Google Form so participants can record their progress
- This is linked to a pivot table for the leaderboard
- Use a Google Form for course feedback
So we created, maintain and deliver 10 Things for free (except for Adobe Acrobat and our time)
Challenges for Library staff
- More time intensive than we thought
- Ensuring materials up to date and links working
- Not knowing all the answers
- Encouraging discussion
- Maintaining the leaderboard
Challenges for participants
- Getting started
- Finding time
- Understanding materials
- Using Yammer
- Falling behind and being disheartened
What didn't work...
- External group 'hijacked' twice by participants posting details of 10 Things to the School Libraries Network - mostly school librarians based in England so not eligible to join
- Participants don't always post to the group
- Administrators apart from library colleagues haven't been as involved or committed as we would have liked
- Not everyone who joins starts the course, and participation drops as the course progresses due to work pressures
- A few participants haven't been able to access Yammer in their workplace, or have issues getting to grips with Yammer
- Low uptake of face-to-face and online (Yammer) networking sessions
- Didn't consider recording statistics at the start
10 Things demo
- Your homepage
- Members
- 6 Administrators (3 Library, 3 Non- Library)
- Info panel and leaderboard
- Pinned panel
- Related Yammer groups - 'Library staff'
- Discussion threads
- Announcements
- Notifications
10 Things course outline
Week 1 - Course introduction, overview of social media, Yammer
Week 2 - RSS feeds and dashboards
Week 3 - Blogs
Week 4 - Twitter
Week 5 - YouTube, Flickr, SoundCloud, Slideshare, Prezi, Creative Commons
Week 6 - Knowledge Hub, Sharepoint, Huddle, Collaborate, Lync, OneNote
Week 7 - LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive
Week 8 - Go Google!, Google Scholar, eLibrary, IDOX, Knowledge Network
Week 9 - Social bookmarking and social citation
Week 10 - Alerts and current awareness
How does it work
- Use Yammer instead of a blog
- Publicise on SG Library blog and JISC lists
- Participants sign up
- 100 places for SG staff. 50 for non-SG people
- Hosted on separate Yammer groups
- Invite into the 10 Things Yammer groups
- Post a 'Thing' on Yammer groups weekly
- Post a weekly discussion
- Participants learn at their own pace
- Runs for 10 weeks
- Participants progress on leaderboard
- Certificate of completion - and prizes!
Why did we do it
Who can join
Why did we do it
- Scottish Government staff
- Scottish public, education and voluntary sectors
- 10 Things is part of the Library's drive to develop a blended learning approach offering training options to all staff
- Feedback from classroom courses suggests some staff would prefer self-paced eLearning
- Under the Digital Directorate the Library has a central role in making the Scottish Government an examplar of a digitally excellent workplace:
"The Scottish Government itself needs to be a digitally excellent public sector organisation"
Scottish Government Capability Plan
10 Things
Jenny Foreman and Paul Gray
Scottish Government Library
What is 10 Things
Scottish Government Library
- Aim is to develop social media and information literacy skills
- Online self directed course launched in September 2013
- 10 weekly 'things'
- Based on the original 23 Things course from the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County, North Carolina in 2006
- Not just for librarians!
- 575 registrations so far
- Based in Edinburgh
- 10 staff including 6 librarians
- 5 librarians train SG staff in information, social media & digital skills
- Modular approach to training materials as SG has approx 5000 staff in 5 main buildings
"I don’t think it worked well for non Scottish Government delegates"
"I joined 10 Things with the best of intentions but found that I wasn't able to allocate time to the tasks. As they stacked up, it became more daunting"
"I was hoping to gain an in depth knowledge of various areas of Social Media that I wasn't already aware of. Not just an overview. No I didn't feel as though my expectations were met at all"
"It felt a bit disjointed sometimes with the way things were ordered and the links to other areas"
"Wording could be a bit better. When reading exercises it came across as I had to create twitter, facebook, google page etc."
"10 things was delivered in the right way, allowing people to complete at their own pace. The best part is knowing that the 10 things material is available to be accessed at any time and that the library staff are there to provide continued support"
"Although I did not join in on the yammer conversations, these proved very useful in additional to the weekly learning at the desk and gave a very team feeling to the exercise"
"It's a really good course and the interactive elements are great - support, asking questions and interacting with others. Great
it is free and open to similar institutions"
"I thought the content was really good and having the ability to discuss the course through Yammer was really
"I loved the way staff in any location could access this course and participate fully without having to travel"
- Directly contributing to improving the digital skills of the Scottish people by participating in the Scottish Information Literacy Community of Practice
- And contributing to the Scottish Government's commitment to improving the digital skills of the Scottish people:
"That everyone in Scotland has the information and digital skills required to participate in the digital arena and prosper from digital opportunities."
"As we build a world class Digital Scotland, we are determined to ensure that everyone has the skills, confidence and opportunity to benefit from digital technologies."
Spreading the Benefits of Digital Participation
Digital Participation: A National Framework for Local Action