our intended audience
ideas for album art
bold simplistic colours big bold fonts and a shot showcasing the artist and promoting her to viewers so that she is easily recognizable there may be a motif that runs through like a rose or something elegant
our audience mid teens to adults(15 -30 's) our artist's music is not gender biased and should appeal to both genders our audience could be an internet audience or a physical audience ( as we have seen from little dragon's initial audience) since are genre is relatively new the expected audience should be similar to lykke li and erykah badu who have a similar sound to our artist
how i'd market my artist
since we want our artist to appeal to the UK audience at first i would have to consider what music channels would showcase our music video since we have decided that our artist's music genre would be solely be neo-soul i see the videos for my artist being screened on MTV hits ,Capital Fm and Kiss as those channels are known for screening neo-soul music videos
the artist would own their own website , a twitter account and a Facebook page to market the artist in various ways. Facebook and twitter are good social networking sites for promoting concerts etc for various artists this would additionally allow fans to follow them on twitter and keep up with the artist via web and for them to become a fan on Facebook
PR ideas
BBC radio 1 live lounge a place where singers do a live performance and it is streamed on the BBC website and via you tube a range of artist do acoustic versions of their songs for different genres
the Brit awards awards is the British equivalent of the American Grammy Awards. where various artist are rewarded for their efforts in the music industry
radio stations that i think my artist's song will air will be
Capital FM
kiss FM
and BBC3