So what has changed;
The expert, the message and the audience!
Material things present themselves in relation to human beings ( Hooper-Greenhill 1992)
The communication between an object and a visitor
..starts with a visit and continues in the mind and imagination of the visitor. ( Miles1994)
Being part of a DH community gives you the strong sense of the benefits of crossing the traditional academic boundaries! (Deegan 2010)
Imagine a place where visitors and staff members share their personal interests and skills with each other. A place where each person’s actions are networked with those of others into cumulative and shifting content for display, sharing, and remix.
Nina Simon: The participatory Museum
Mubil laboratorium
Alexandra Angeletaki
That is also a visual reconstruction of the past!
The NTNU Collections and archives
Visit our website:
How do you learn about new archaeological finds?
Knowledge-makers and Knowledge-designers need to develop projects that require team collaboration.
What constitutes the past?
How do we understand it ?
Burdick Anne : Digital Humanities
Journal of Digital Humanities,
Vol. 3, No. 2 Summer 2014
Digital contexts challenge scholarly practice, from the creation or engagement with digital source materials to new methods for sharing results, interpretations, or ideas.
Digital Humanities challenges and opportunities, Dariah meeting 2017
Or who can be the expert today?
From rarity cabinets to 3d reconstructions!
But who is the expert?
Virtual/digital heritage: transfer of content analysis
and methods
Objects tangible/intangible
Reconstructions and interpretations
Creating meaning
Analyze social agency of the past
Alexandra Angeletaki
In order to:
create inspirational learning
evaluate tool effectiveness
and then
evaluate your methods and results
create research infrastructure for further development
Technology holds a promise for Humanities
Transmedia approach of documentation/preservation/interpretation of objects of the past.
Expand the public dissemination of knowledge
Anne Katrine Melland
Kari Søren Binns
Internasjonalt og kryssdisiplinært
Mange utfordringer!
administrasjon økonomi, samarbeidsplan, forskning, markedsføring..............så kom vi igang!
så måtte vi velge bøker .......
Mubil, a VR laboraty.
Ross Parry > Museums in the Digital Age
Threefold process
1. The visible part, objects, collections, activities
2.The embodied information/Curator
3. The invisible store of Knowledge
Our role is to convey, engage, create
Ask you colleagues!
VR tools introduced
New challenges and roles.
Cross disciplinary
International partnerships
“Project Mosul aims to avoid the rhetoric of hate with which these acts of destruction
have been associated and instead wants to focus on a message of hope: by working together, it is possible to preserve our shared memory and connections to our cultural heritage, even renew and invigorate it, regardless of the acts of destruction currently being perpetrated upon it.”, visited 17.11.2015
By Eric Champion, Playing with the past
Outreach activities
Economic challenges
We need experts!
The crafts!
Far more inter- and multidisciplinary than thought!
The artist!
Chemistry expert
Kreuterbuch – urteboka fra 1590 skrevet av Adam Lonicer.
Physical objects
Digital objects
What can the difference be?
A long process
Many challenges!
The products
Fra det fysiske til det digitale
Kreuterbuch i n by Percro lab
Adams lab from 1590.
Technology has created new paths
"Researchers night" presentation by Fredrik m. Kirkemo
Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling
for children
Mubil : A digital laboratory
Project manager: Alexandra Angeletaki, NTNU University Library
Collaborators: Letizia Jaccheri, Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI), NTNU TRONDHEIM,
Marcello Carrozzino and Chiara Evangelista, PERCRO - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Project period: 1.10.2011-1.10.2013
Serius Games
Can we manage to collate and store all this data without parts of it disappearing for the future generations?
Adams lab, utviklet av Roger Hansen
3D spill utviklet av Percro Lab
Kunnskap og læring
Sosial interaksjon
Motivasjon for Læring
Ask your public!
3D technology that catches your eye!
Can we keep up with that?
Lack of global infrastructure ?
Lack of consistent interface design?
Lack of suitable pedagogical material?
A new research area established with the participatory platforms where the expert meets the user.
New narratives established!
How do we curate those?
From Eric Champion: Playing with the past
Champion Erik, Playing with the past, 2011.
By Michail Giannakos, NTNU
Content development
1. Gunnerus library
2. Deaf Museum,
3. State Archives
4. Athena Digital Curation Unit
What next?
Where will all that be stored?
How long will it last?
How can we curate it?
How can we evaluate it?