
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


A. Story of Emergence:

Red; Blue; Yellow; White and Black

B. Semi-Nomadic People

  • They were not a warring tribe.
  • Originally they were just hunters and gathers that lived in small spread-out bands.
  • Corn, beans, and squash and sheep?

3. Conducted raids independently of organized tribal movement.

  • Manuelito was the acclaimed head in 1855 at a conference with Governor Meriwether for a treaty.

C. Enmity between Spaniards/Mexicans and the Navajo

D. The Formation of the “Rez”

  • The Long Walk



1. Sand paintings

2. Jewelry

3. Weaving

4. Pottery

5. Navajo Symbols

A. Semi-Nomadic Hunter Gathers

  • Herding

B. Housing

  • Hogan

C. Food

  • mutton, which is lamb, fry bread, and piñon nuts.

D. Dress

  • Squaw-dress



Diné Bizaad

1. Origin is Athabaskan

2. 33 constantans.

3. Resembles languages of East Asia that are tonal.

4. Vey hard to learn.

5. Code Talkers

  • The United States used the Navajo languages as radio code during WWII


A. The Holy People

B. Ceremonies

C. The Hatali

D. Witches and Skin walkers

The Navajo People


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