After World War II, Germany and Berlin are divided into four sectors: American, British, French, and Soviet.
To pass through the sectors of Germany, citizens needed a thirty day valid Interzonenpass.
* personal document, which the citizens of the occupied zones carried which allowed them to travel within the zones
Currency reform in Berlin, Berlin is
divided into two different currency zones.
Beginning of the Berlin blockade.
The Berlin airlift begins.
*airlift that supplied food and fuel to citizens of West Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin
The end of the Berlin Blockade.
Federal Republic of Germany is founded.
(West Germany)
End of Berlin Airlift.
German Democratic Republic is founded.
(East Germany)
Border between East and West Germany and between East Germany and West
Berlin is closed. Only the border between East and West Berlin is still opened.
Uprising of East Berlin building workers against the imposition of increased working norms, suppression by Red Army tanks.
The Western Powers waive the Interzonenpass, the Soviet Union follows but East German citizen need a permission to travel to the West.
Leaving East Germany without permission is forbidden and violations are prosecuted with prison up to three years. Gunter Litfin, 24-year-old was the first person shot dead trying to escape.
The Berlin sectorial border between East and West Berlin is closed, barriers are built.The wall was 96 miles long.
All crossing points are closed for West Berlin citizens.
West Berlin citizens may visit East Berlin for the first time after more than two years.This only allowed West Berlin citizens to visit relatives in East Berlin on a limited basis.
President Ronald Reagan visits Berlin and urges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
Hungarian government opens border for East German refugees. This allowed 13,000 East Germans passage to escape through Austria.
Berlin Wall is opened. Many people came to the wall with sledge hammers and broke it down, this is why many call it the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Germany is finally reunited.
By: Kylie Groves, Julie Dodson, Abby Hague, and Cody Pinkerton