4 Included studies
Study flow
Quality assessment
N=594, - 33% female. Average age was 38.3
- Type of psychosocial intervention and setting:
1) CBT vs. TSF in an outpatient clinic (Carroll et al,1998)
2) BI vs. Treatment as usual in an outpatient clinic with/out opioid substitution treatment (Feldman et al, 2011)
3) MI (single/group) vs. HHP in an opioid substitution clinic (Nyamathi et al, 2010)
4) BMI vs. Assessment only in a Needle exchange programme (Stein et al, 2002)
- Country: 3x USA and 1x Switzerland
- Duration : range from 4 to 12 weeks (plus various follow-ups), mean 7.5 weeks. Between 1-16 sessions were offered to participants, mean 5.5 (from 15 min - 16 hours of treatment time).
Inclusion criteria
Formal meta-analysis not possible
- Results presented separately for each study:
1. Cognitive-behavioural coping skills training versus 12-step facilitation
2. Brief intervention versus treatment as usual
3. Motivational interviewing (group/single) versus hepatitis health promotion
4. Brief motivational intervention versus assessment only
RCT’s of psychosocial interventions:
- Adults (18+)
- Problem Drug Users as defined by EMCDDA: Injecting/ long-duration/ regular use of opioids, cocaine and/or amphetamines (regular use: 1x week)
- Problem alcohol users
- Single-drug users
- patients on prescribed medication
- 'soft drugs' e.g. tobacco
- Adolescents
Significant outcomes
Search Methods
Comparison #2: decreased alcohol use at 3 months (RR 0.32; 95% CI 0.19 - 0.54) and 9 months (RR 0.16; 95% CI 0.08 - 0.33) in the Treatment-as-usual group;
Comparison #4: reduced alcohol use in the Brief motivational intervention (RR 1.67; 95% CI 1.08- 2.60).
2 independent reviewers
- 5 databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (Issue 11, Nov 2011), PUBMED (1966 to 2011); EMBASE (1974 to 2011); CINAHL (1982 to 2011); PsycINFO (1872 to 2011) and reference list of articles.
- Also: 1) conference proceedings (SSA, IHRA, ICAHR, AATOD); 2) online registers of clinical; 3) contacted authors
Involvement of GPs in managing alcohol problems
More research is needed?
- RCTs
- Populations: adults, who are identified as problem drug users with concurrent problem alcohol use; people in or out of a formal addiction treatment.
- Interventions: psychosocial intervention, that is talking therapy or counselling (e.g. MI, CBT, contingency management, family therapy, BI, etc.).
- Comparisons: treatment as usual, no intervention, waiting list, other psychosocial interventions; pharmacological treatments (alone, or in combination with psychosocial treatments); interventions of different type, length and intensity.
- Outcomes: reduction in/abstinence from alcohol or drug use, or from both. (formal validated instruments, e.g. AUDIT and Objective measures, e.g. breathalysers, urine-analysis).
- 2004: it seems possible to increase rates of SBIs by GPs, but use multi-component (Anderson, Kaner et al)
- 2010: Real world evidence supports SBI theory (McCormick et al)
- 2012: Don’t bother – multi-component int. failed to show effect in Netherlands (Van Beurden, Anderson et al)
- Ireland: 35% of MMT patients in Primary care drink in excess of limits (Ryder et al, 2009)
Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users
Catherine-Anne Field, Walter Cullen, Clodagh O'Gorman, Liam Glynn, Eamon Keenan, Jean Saunders, Gerard Bury, Colum Dunne
- '77: The use of an alcoholism screening test to identify the potential for alcoholism in persons on MMT (Cohen et al)
- ‘78: A Behavioral Treatment of Alcoholic Methadone Patients + Disulfiram (Liebson et al)
- ‘83: Is treatment for alcoholism effective in persons on MMT? – RCT (Stimmel, Cohen et al)
- ‘87: The treatment of alcoholic MMT patients: a review (Bickel et al)
- '07: Alcohol and MMT (Ed Day, SSA)
Cochrane review
Thank you!
Jan Klimas
“We must become the change we want to see”
Post-doctoral research fellow
+353 (0) 1 473 0893