What kind of Media institutions might distrubute your media product and why? How will you attract/address your audience?
Our film is a low budget film so to be honest, we are very limited in choosing who distrubutes our film, however websites like Facebook and Youtube which allows us to upload clips for free would be a huge advantage for us as we have no money to advertise our film Addicted professionally
HOW I Would distribute my Independant film
Distributing my film on websites like Facebook, Youtube and Vimeo will give me a fair chance of maximising the chance of reaching my target audience because most of my target audience which is 17 - 21 years old, have a facebook account or go onto youtube.
I stumbled across this website and it gives an opportunity for young people like myself to create films.
Distributing my thriller sequence on here would be a good idea because young people, who is our target audience would like to see this as it is aimed at them
I feel Addicted would be an independant film because the sources we used was not as professional as what mainstream professionals would use. Their budgets for creating a film would most probably more than a million but for our film, we had to be very careful with what we need to include in our Mis En Scene and so on.