A few days later he was walking her home from Cecil's Diner and Jamie was acting strange. She kept asking him what other people thought about her. She asked if people thought she was strange and he said yes, but he kept reassuring her that she was a wonderful person and that whatever others think of her is their problem. He looked into her eyes and said, " I love you Jamie. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." (page 161)
A Walk to Remember
She started crying as soon as he said it, but kept saying, "Please don't say that" and I'm sorry" repeatedly. She then told him that he can't be in love with her because she is sick. But not the normal flu kind of sick. She had leukemia and was dying. (page 163)
Rising Action
A few days later Landon came to Jamie's house to visit her. He noticed her father wasn't home, so he couldn't come inside. But instead of staying outside on the porch like they normally do, he kept getting closer to her. She did the same and they kissed. Landon said, " all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips first touched, i knew the memory would last forever." (page 145)
He really loved her and asked his mother on advice of where to take her on a date. He decided to bring her to a fancy restaurant, but he had to ask permission of her father. This time her father said no, but Landon apologized about how he hasn't treated Jamie the way she should have treated, but now it's different. He then agreed to letting them go on their little date. (page 149)
Falling Action
Rising Action
When she told him his he was in utter shock. He couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. He thought his world was falling apart. The girl he was in love with was dying right before his eyes. While walking home they cried together and when Hegbert opened the door he knew that Jamie told him the news. (page 167)
(page 127) Three days before Christmas Eve, Jamie asked Landon for another favor. She asked him if he could go to the orphanage with her on Christmas Eve to drop off the presents for the orphans. He didn't have the heart to turn her down so he went with her.
On Sunday, Hegbert told the segregation and they were in disbelief too and they all cried together. She never went back to school and the teachers announced what had happened. (page 167)
When he got to the orphanage, Jamie had already started reading a story to the orphans, but interrupted that to hand out gifts with Landon. While they were handing out gifts Landon gave Jamie her gift from him. He got her a new sweater and hoped she wasn't going to be disappointed. She loved it, thanking him, and said she would wear it the next time she saw him. (page 132)
It was getting hard for Landon to talk to Jamie because all he could think about is when she wouldn't be there anymore, but one day he started reading the bible Jamie gave to him. He started reading it because he was praying for a miracle and needed God's help. Later one he began to read the bible with Jamie and that brought them closer together. (page 167)
Jamie then said she had a gift for Landon. It was under the tree, so Landon took it, already knowing what it was. He absolutely couldn't believe what she gave to him. He opened the gift with trembling hands and teared up when he saw what it was. She gave him her bible. He was breathless looking at her not knowing what to say. He reminisced about all that time he's spent with her and wonders how he'd ever fallen in love with a girl like Jamie Sullivan. (page 132)
Every day she was getting weaker and weaker and needed to go to the hospital more often. Landon told his mother about this problem and she called her husband to come and help them out. Landon was never close to his dad, but when he found out that he came back from Washington and paid for all the expenses for Jamie to have medical care at home, he cried on his father's shoulder for the first time in his life. (page 168)
Rising Action
Also after those two weeks, Jamie calls Landon on the phone asking him if he can come over so she can tell him something. He couldn't refuse to such an innocent girl so he went to her house later that afternoon (pg. 60). Since Jamie is the main role in her father's play, she asks him to be in the play as Tom Thornton, the leading man, and couldn't refuse to her again (pg.62).
One day when he opened the bible, he read a passage of it and understood he meaning of it. He believed God had finally answered him. What he needed to do is make Jamie's wish come true, to marry her. He asked permission of her father to marry her and he was too shocked to speak, but didn't say no. He then ran to Jamie as fast as he could. This time he asks her if she can do something for him. He asks her if she will marry him and she said yes. (page 200)
first page chapter 5: He auditioned the next day, got the part, and rehearsals would start the next week. During rehearsals, they spent a lot of time together (pg. 70) and one day Jamie asked Landon to walk her home (chapter7). On those walks homes they really started to connect and get to know each other. But one day he had a really bad time at rehearsal and on their walk home he let out all his negative energy on her and said mean things that he didn't actually mean to say. He was just in a bad mood. Even though he was being negative to her, when they got to her house, she thanked him for walking her home and Landon felt really bad for being mean to her when all she's been was nice. (right before chapter eight).
The day after was the night of the play. (chapter 8). On his part, when the angel "Jamie" comes out he is supposed to be amazed by her beauty and the first words that come out of his mouth are "You're beautiful." He's never nailed that line because he never saw Jamie as being attractive, so during rehearsals he would try to imagine the angel as being someone else, but it never worked. (few pages later). During the play, it was almost time for Jamie to come out and when she did she didn't look like the normal plain Jamie. The audience was in awe and Landon couldn't believe what he was looking at. After all these years of knowing her he has never seen her this way. His jaw dropped because he thought she looked absolutely stunning. He said his line "you're beautiful" and it was his first time nailing it. (page 115).
They got married in the church Jamie's mother and father were married in, and were married by her father as well. Everyone in town was there. Seats bursting with people. Before they said their vows, Hegbert couldn't give away Jamie completely, so he says that he can let Landon share the joy that Jamie has given him. At the end he says that it was the most wonderful moment of his life. (page 202)
Primary Conflict
There was a homecoming dance at his school and he had to find a date for it, so he asked Jamie as a last option (pg.34). He didn't have feelings for her, but didn't want to look stupid and show up without a date (pg. 35). Her father was a little hesitant of letting her go with him, since it was so out of the blue, but eventually let her go. After he asked her to go to homecoming, she tells him, "You have to promise that you won't fall in love with me."
Landon, forty years later can still remember every little detail from that day. He still loves Jamie and has never taken off his ring. He says that he will always remember those memories from when he was seventeen. (page 207)
Plot Diagram
During homecoming, Landon's ex-girlfriend, Angela, drank too much and threw up (a few pages before chapter four) and Jamie was being the angel she was and helped her clean up. Later that night they drove Angela home and Landon couldn't believe how nice Jamie was being to her. At the end of chapter 3 he says, "Jamie Sullivan could really drive a guy crazy sometimes." But two weeks later, his best friend teases him about liking Jamie and he says she was a good date, but he didn't like her that way.
It never clearly states whether or not Jamie dies. The author leaves you with a cliff hanger and says at the end " I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen." (page 207)
The story starts off in the prologue with Landon Carter, a 57 year old man, starts a flashback of an event at age 17 that changed his life forever (pg.xi).
The flashback starts in 1958 with Landon living in Beaufort, NC. He explains that there are baptist churches all around where he lives (pg.2).
The character he first presents in his flashback is Hegbert Sullivan. He is the minister of the baptist church (pg. 2). He also wrote the school play "The Christmas Angel" that is sold out every year, and this year his Daughter Jamie stars as the main role (pg.3). Teenagers believe that he is really intimidating and doesn't understand them at all (pg.5). Hegbert used to work for Landon's grandfather whom he never liked, so he was never on good terms with their family. He also didn't like Landon because he was considered a "bad boy". (pg.12).
Jamie Sullivan is the second character described. She is Hegbert's daughter who's mother died. Everyone calls her a "Plain Jane" who always wore the same brown cardigan. plaid skirt, and always carried a bible (pg.18). Landon has known her ever since they started kindergarten. She was the type of person who would help a wounded animal on the street and pull weeds for a random person. She was always so cheerful and every adult adored her (pg. 20- 21), but kids her age thought she was weird.
By: Christine Quiambao
Nicole Aglipay
Linda Ly
Maria Lopez
Worth Carter is Landon's father who is a famous business congressman, and never had time for Landon. He had his way with words, which is what made him a great congressman (pg. 10) They never had a relationship because he was never there for him growing up and is gone nine months of the year (pg. 10).
Growing up without a father was no problem for Landon because his mother played both parts as a mother and father in his life. To Landon she is the mother that everyone would want. She is nice, sweet, and gentle (pg. 11)