Early American Voter
White Men that owned Property
Age Requirement 21
Roughly 5-6% of the population
Why Did These Restrictions exist?
Excluded Voters included
1. Women
2. White Men without Property
3. African Americans
John Jay Believied"The people that own the country shall govern the country"
Post Civil War
20th Century Changes
Mid 1800's - Prior to
the Civil War
The Passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution
19th - Amendment - Granted women the right to vote in 1920
Voting Rights Act of 1965- Outlawed any law or restriction to the free enterprise of voting (got rid of Jim Crow Laws in the South)
26th Amendment - Granted voting rights to adults age 18 or older (mainly as a result of the high number of 18-20 year old men fighting in the Vietnam War)
Religious Restrictions had been lifted
13th - Granted Citizenship to slaves
14th - Granted Equal Protection Rights to former slaves
15th- Granted African American MEN the right to vote
Property Ownership had been lifted
Did African Americans really have a right and the freedom to vote?
Universal White Suffrage
Passage of Jim Crow Laws in the South
Grandfather Clause- Only voter that were eligible were those whose Grandfathers voted prior to 1867
Literacy Tests - Most former slaves and AA in the South could not read or write
Poll Taxes - Payment before voting
Voting Today
Electoral College
Who Can Vote?
An18 years of age on Election Day;
U.S. Citizen;
Resident of Wyoming and the precinct in which you register;
Withdraw voter registration from any other jurisdiction, if applicable;
Present a valid Wyoming Driver License if you have one and if not; provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
Not been convicted of a felony, or if convicted, has had civil or voting rights restored.
Nor adjudicated mentally incompetent.
How do you register?
Registration is set by each individual state
In the State of Wyoming you can register in three ways:
Register in Person at the County Clerks Offic
Register by mail
Register at the polls