Quick Write
When there are no countries left to imperialize, what will Europe do and why?
When a stronger country takes over a weaker one
1. Glorification of the ideals of a professional military class
2. When the armed forces have control in the administration or policies of a country
3. A policy where military preparedness is of primary importance to a state
1. Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation
2. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals
3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.
An agreement between friendly countries to protect each other
Triple Entente
Triple Alliance
The Causes
June 28, 1914
The Spark
Taboo Review
1. Nationalism
2. Militarism
3. Alliance System
4. Imperialism
5. Triple Alliance
6. Triple Entente
7. Black Hand
8. Gavrillo Princip
9. Archduke France Ferdinand
10. Powder Keg of Europe
The Western Front
Mustard Gas
Machine Guns
Subs (U-boats)
Big Birtha
New Technology
The Schlieffen Plan
- Germany faced a two-front war
- Plan was to attack France first then Russia
- Named after its designer, General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen
- Russia was less of a threat due to lack of industrialization
- Single most important battle of WWI
- Germany was gaining a quick victory by taking most of France and parts of Paris
- Allies regrouped and attacked the Germans outside of Paris, in the valley of the Marne River
- When reinforcements were needed, more that 600 taxicabs rushed soldiers to the frontline
- Defeated the Schlieffen Plan
- Germany launched a massive attack against the French at Verdun
- Each side lost more than 300,000 men!
- Germans advanced about 4 miles
- British troops eventually tried to help by attacking the Germans northwest of Verdun in the valley of the Somme River
- In the first day of battle alone, more than 20,000 British soldiers were killed!
- By the end of the battle, each side had suffered more than half a million casualities!
- British gained about 5 miles
Key Battles
Fighting along the German-Russian border
Russians and Serbs
Germans and Austro-Hungarians
Russian forces attacked both Austria and Germany first
Germany counterattacked near the town of Tannenberg
Germans drove the Russians into full retreat
More than 30,000 Russian soldiers were killed with four days of battle!
Russian forces defeated the Austrians twice
However, the Austrian Army eventually turned the tides
- Russia had limited supplies due to lack of industrialization and access to supply allied supply ships
- Had strength in numbers though
The Eastern Front
- Strategy for the Allies
- Attack an region in the Ottoman Empire known as the Dardanelles because it was the gateway to Constantinople
- Would allow not only the defeat of the Turks but a trade route to Russia
- British, French, Australian, New Zealand, and French troops attacked the Peninsula
- Turned into a stalemate
- Allies gave up and suffered 250,000 casualities
In various parts of Asia and Africa, Germany's colonial possessions came under assault
Japan overran German outposts in China and captured its Pacific island colonies
English and French troops attacked Germany's four African possessions (gaining control of three)
British and French troops recruited subjects in their colonies for the struggle
The Colonial Front
Taboo Review
1. Western Front
2. No Man's Land
3. All Quiet On The Western Front
4. Submarine (U-Boat)
5. Mustard Gas
6. Tank
7. Machine Gun
8. Airplane
9. Schliefflen Plan
10. Battle of the Somme
11. Battle of Verdun
12. Battle of Ypres
13. Battle of the Marne
14. Gallipoli Campaign
Zimmerman Telegram & Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Sinking of the Lusitania
Why did the US join WWI?
Ethos, Logos, Pathos
Testimonials or Endorsements
Scientific Approach
Emotional Language
Sex Appeal
Exaggeration/HyperboleRepetitionGlittering GeneralitiesEuphemismsTransferPlain Folks AppealBandwagonSnob AppealSomething for Nothing
Victory Gardens
War on the Home Front
The Allies Win the War
How do you create lasting peace?
- Germany loses Second Battle of the Marne
- Bulgarians then Ottomans surrender
- Revolution occurs in Austria-Hungary
- German citizens turn on the kaiser
- Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down
- Germany declares itself a republic
- France and Germany agree to stop fighting
- 1917
- Czar Nicholas II was replaced with a provisional government
- Revolution occured, in part due to the 5.5 million Russian soldiers killed/wounded, and new leader, Lenin, ended the nation's involvement in WWI
Georges Clemenceau
Woodrow Wilson
David Lloyd George
Vittorio Orlando
- Wilson's peace plan
- End to secret diplomacy
- Freedom of the seas
- Free trade
- Reduced national armies and navies
- Adjustment of colonial claims
- Created new nations
League of Nations
- "general assocation of nations" that would protect "great and small states alike"
- International peace keeping body
Taboo Review
- Paris Peace Conference
- Britain and France didn't agree with 14 Points
- Created a League of Nations
- Punished Germany (lost land, restrictions on military, "war guilt" clause, reparations, colonies became mandates)
- Home Front
- Rationing
- Propaganda
- Total War
- Sinking of the Lusitania
- Zimmerman Telegram
- Woodrow Wilson
- Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Taboo Review
When a nation devotes all of their resources to the war effort
- Woodrow Wilson
- Georges Clemenceau
- 14 Points
- Self-Determination
- Treaty of Versailles
- League of Nations
- United Nations
- Reparations
- Mandates
- The Big Four
- Armistice
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- Provisional Government
- Lenin
Lost Generation
All Quiet On The Western Front
Quick Write
"The War To Save Democracy"
War 1
Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Gavrillo Princip, Archduke Ferdinand, Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, Assassination, Ultimatum, Alliance Systems, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Austria Hungary, Serbia, Black Hand
1. Who is least at fault? Explain your reasoning.
2. Who is most at fault? Explain your reasoning.