- Extended emission analysis requires clean maps
- Compact objects contribute to the image power spectra with a significant power at a broad range of spatial frequencies:
- modify the image at frequencies comparable to the beam-size
- depending on the surface density and the clustering strength, lower spatial frequencies are contaminated with a smaller power density but typically at large bandwidth
- Image analysis techniques are difficult to compare if sources are not subtracted, because their sensitivity to discrete sub-structures may be quite different
- techniques using sparsity information could be disturbed by even a few point sources
- techniques analyzing full intensity maps are more sensitive to clustering
- For extended emission analysis we need a technique to subtract sources that fall within a well defined range of spatial frequencies
- boloSource() input:
- source list (centroid coodinates)
- input L2 mask OR source cutoff frequency
- boloSource() output:
- PACS L1 cubes with interpolated timeline
- compatible with any projection algorithm that can use PACS L1 frames cube structure
- Full code in Jython, will be available in build HIPE v10.0+
- A major requirement: preserve noise properties of the image!
- Classical way: try modeling the source intensity I(x,y) in the position-position space and subtract from the image
- This is not easy, but one could reduce the problem to 1D in the detector timeline
- Subtract sources from the detector timeline and re-project the image
getsources background
Clean maps for analysis of diffuse background
A new source subtraction technique for extended emission analysis
Source subtraction
in the timeline
- Reduced dimensionality in I(t) vs. I(x,y), but noise spectrum in timeline is more complex:
- Lower S/N in L1 timeline than in L2 reconstructed map
- Looks difficult but we mainly interested in to subtract high-frequency components. In the masked part of the timeline one could interpolate with simulated noise + sky background:
Interpolated intensity
in masked timeline
Baseline estimate from data
Level 2 mask
- source centroid & size
- create L2 mask for circular aperture
- aperture radius defines the cutoff frequency
- backproject L2(x,y) mask to L1(t) mask
- L1 mask size depends on L2 mask size AND scan speed
Source substraction in the timeline
- Benchmarking by using simulated sources back-projection onto the L1 detector timeline
- Photometry on differential detection images
- Adaptive low-frequency cutoff (i.e. # of readouts) to limit maximum L1 mask size for any given source in any given pixel timeline
- Backproject flux in order to simplify noise spectrum on the L1 timeline
- Try it for SPIRE
Noise simulation
- The objective is to simulate intensity distribution of a single scan- leg with similar noise power spectrum as we experience in the observed data
- The simulation is non-parametric, i.e. one could not invert a noise power spectrum into an intensity distribution
- Monte-Carlo simulation in the wavelet space:
- Measure STDDEV of outlier filtered wavelet coefficients after last iteration
- Get random noise and scale each wavelet frequency coefficients to the measured STDDEV
Baseline estimation
- Take L2 mask size (i.e. effective diameter of input mask aperture) for a given source
- Decompose signal with SWT
- Flag high-frequency outliers above a given sigma level on the entire scan leg
- Interpolate flagged outliers with baseline estimate
- Solve inverse transform, reproduce intensities
- Create output products:
- Baseline
- Noise dataset
- Outlier Mask
Timeline iterpolation
Intermediate working mask
Back projected input mask
getsources background image
- Optimize L1 mask size and location through the adaptive mask option:
- Extend the L1 mask to 2x larger working mask and find a maximum:
- defined by the baseline estimator outlier mask
- or if outlier mask is empty within working mask then try to find local peak of at least 3 readouts broad
- Find the 1st and last readouts below the baseline around the peak
- This section defines the final adaptive mask
boloSource() background image
getsources background
Timeline iterpolation
boloSource subtracted image
- Take the previously identified baseline and add simulated noise components beyond the cutoff frequency within the section of L1 adaptive mask
- Do bit-rounding
HI-GAL F297_0 "red" map
Photometry, SPIRE
boloSource() flux on differencial image:
0.220 Jy
Interpolation and noise simulation
boloSource() flux on differencial image:
8.92 Jy
HI-GAL F297_0 "blue" map
boloSource() flux on differencial image:
1.18 Jy
HI-GAL F297_0 "red" map
First results
HI-GAL Field 297_0
- Gábor Marton, Konkoly Observatory, HUNGARY
- Roland Vavrek, ESA HSC
- Csaba Kiss, Konkoly Observatory
- Davide Elia, IFSI